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“Currently looking for all the places in my life where I can replace fear with love”

-Kate Northup

Happy Friday! What a terribly sad week this has been. I keep my political and mostly social opinions out of my blog because I want to create a space of positivity. An escape from all of the madness in the world. So what I will say about the injustice of Floyd and other sad, disturbing occurrences that have been happening over this past month and for centuries, is that enough is enough.  I can not wrap my head around how anyone can be so vile towards someone else no matter the race, religion, gender, political affiliation, and who they choose to love. Why continue to spread hate, why waste your time? If you do not agree with or understand someone, have a civilized and open conversation with them to understand where they are coming from. Respect their opinions and choices just like you would want someone to honor yours. Just because someone’s skin color may be different, does not give you the right to treat others with nothing less than love and respect. Treat those that differ from you like they are–human beings. We are in the middle of a pandemic right now, we should be coming together to mourn those that have lost their lives, to grieve with our neighbors,  help fight the virus, to help open up the economy so people can make money to feed their families, to cheer on and support all of the essential workers. Not pile on more hate, animosity, looting of restaurants, and violence in an already troubled world. Always choose love, and always choose to see the good in others.

Now that I have said my piece, let us go back to talking about happier things. It’s been raining a lot here in Columbus, but during the moments when the sun shines brightly I have been laying out, riding bikes with my dad, sitting out on the patio reading, and going on walks/runs. It’s been lovely to get out of the house and feel the sun on my face and warmth on my skin. Summer is my favorite season and I intend to relish and savor every moment of it the best that I can.

Since I will be in Columbus for another month and the weather is already proving to be quite warm, I had to purchase a new swimsuit to wear to my neighbor’s pool and while I am outside sunbathing. Trying on swimsuits during a pandemic is a crime. I mean it’s never fun to do, but my goodness. I shared on this past post here some of the swimwear I am currently looking to purchase.

Other than my swimsuit blues, nothing exciting or new happened this past week or happening this weekend. I have continued to binge-watch shows, read my book, and spend time with my family. My mom and I started watching Sweet Magnolias on Netflix the other day. We have only watched the 1st episode, but we do like it. It has a Hallmark-esque feel to it, which I love. I feel as if I am slowly running out of things to watch during quarantine, but when in doubt there is always Friends that I can watch over and over again without getting sick of it. My parents bought a new sprinkler and outdoor activities for when my niece comes over this summer. I have been playing with the activities to entertain myself…. I mean someone has to make sure the sprinkler works. And last but not least, Lady Gaga dropped a new album today, which I have been listening to. It’s a crime that I will not be at a bar somewhere ignoring my friends while dancing by myself to “Rain on Me”. Sigh….maybe someday soon.

Hope you have a wonderful, safe, and healthy weekend xo


1. A complete guide to Lady Gaga’s style evolution

2. Have to have this dress

3. Been dying to own these earrings

4. Oh I need this skirt

5. Love the Tuckernuck office tour

6. The most scandalous parties in society history

7. How to prevent “mask-ne”

8. Light summer meals to make

9. How to hem pants at home

10. Do different colors of the same vegetable have the same nutrients?