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“You are part of the future we make, let your part be of love, never of hate.”


Happy Friday! I would first like to thank you for allowing me to take some time and step back from my regular content. As we all know this past week has been a whirlwind of emotions and what is happening is much bigger than my little space on the internet. It did not feel right to me to post about cute dresses and must-have earrings when the world is hurting. I also felt that I was not informed enough to be posting resources for the movement on the blog- only sharing what others have posted on IG. Hopefully, you have been following along where I shared Black-owned businesses to support, ways to donate or sign petitions for justice, and of course, sharing verses from the bible and other uplifting quotes about being kind to one another.  I have always said that I will keep politics out of my blog, and I plan to keep it this way. To me, this isn’t a political issue but a human issue; decency and kindness vs. hate and fear. I will always share ways to help when people are in need. This past week was time where I needed to turn off to listen and learn. So thank you!

Just like the rest of the world, I have been glued to the TV and social media watching this moment in history as it goes down. I am hoping as a society we learned a lot this week. I, personally, have learned a lot that I am ashamed that I didn’t know before. I hope we can all move forward together with love and respect and the continuation of learning ways to fight for injustice.

It felt like the world stopped (even though it’s moving forward in a symbolic way). My time was spent on social and not creating content for my blog. I even had a hard time reading my book because I was so focused on what was (is) happening in the world. I barely slept all week; trying to keep up with the news, worrying about the riots, violence, and the safety of my friends in NYC, AND still worrying about COVID-19. My God, what a year this has been. I pray the rest of 2020 is a peaceful one filled with unity, love, beauty, and goodness.

When I needed moments of silence I would sit by the window watching these two ducks that always happen to be in our backyard by the pond. It reminds me of one of my favorite spots to sit and contemplate life in NYC– The Duck Pond in Central Park. I miss the pond and my other secret locations around the city I head to think.

This weekend my entire family is finally getting together to celebrate my cousin’s 40th birthday with a cookout. I can’t believe he is 40. I still think of him as a kid wearing my grandfather’s old sailor hat running around the park playing. Time really does move fast. Anyway, I am very excited to finally see my family. It’s exactly what I need right now, to be surrounded by those I love.

Other than my cousin’s birthday celebration, I will be spending the weekend lounging around the house, spending time outside in the sun, riding bikes, reading, and working out. I am still waiting on my new swimsuit to arrive and for my neighbor to open up his pool, so I can fully enjoy the sunshine.

Have a wonderful, safe and healthy weekend xo



1. Love Julia’s list of small businesses owned by women of color to shop

2. Love this cute eyelet dress

3. A must-have bag for the summer

4. Want this beach dress

5. Charitable fitness classes to take that support Black Lives Matter

6. So excited for Jenn and her collaboration with Sail to Sable!

7. Ways to celebrate Father’s Day during quarantine

8. Having fresh flowers in your house can reduce stress and pain

9. How different foods really affect your skin

10. Interview etiquette during COVID-19 crisis