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“Happiness, not in another place but in this place… not for another hour, but this hour”

-Walt Whitman

Happy Friday! The countdown to my return to NYC has officially begun! In a few short weeks, I will be driving back to the city and I can not wait. I have missed the city so much and even though COVID is not over, it’s time for me to return. I have been dreaming about walking through neighborhoods, sitting in my favorite parks, seeing my friends, and more. Originally I was planning on leaving next weekend but decided to stay for another week because of Father’s Day, a few things (outfits) I am waiting to be delivered, and I have a dentist appointment.  So at the end of June I will be back in the city! Although I am going to be very sad to leave Columbus as I have loved being home with my family these past 3 months.

I can’t say anything truly fascinating has happened this past week. Still enjoying quarantine life. Still glued to the news and social media reading about all that is happening in the world. I may need a social media detox, a day where I do not listen to the news and only watch movies/shows that make me feel good. Friends and Hallmark marathon sounds nice. Anyway, we haven’t ventured out to a restaurant yet as some others have in Columbus, but we did get together with the entire family last weekend to celebrate my cousin’s 40th birthday. It was so nice to be with family, other than my parents (no offense mom and dad!). We had a clambake that was delicious, played cornhole, and laughed a lot. My entire family is small and very close; my mom’s sister is married to my dad’s brother (that is how my parents met). My cousin’s feel like brothers and sisters and best friends. I have always loved our dynamic as a family, but as we get are getting older the dynamics have changed with marriage and kids and people living in other states. What will not change is our close special bond.

It’s hard to imagine my cousin (the oldest) turning 40. I still think of him as a teenager letting me listen to his Beatie Boys CD without my parent’s knowledge, taking care of me when I have hurt myself, running around the park with my grandfather’s sailor hat, and pulling pranks on me (that I still do not find funny). He is the oldest grandchild and I am the youngest, so we always had a special bond over that. Well, that and the fact that he saved my life when I was 18 months old. We were all playing near the creek in my grandparent’s backyard (this was the ’80s),  I tried throwing a stick into the creek instead I slipt and fell headfirst. My face in the rocks, swallowing nasty creek water. Adam, my cousin, jumped in immediately and picked me up, where he handed me to my aunt who cleaned me off. I remember most of it- falling and being cleaned in the bathtub. It’s one of those life events, even though I was so young, it’s stuck in my memory.

Anyway, enough about my childhood trauma, this weekend will be the same old, same old. I will go on a long bike ride with my dad, start my new book, and today I am FINALLY getting my hair done!!! I will be back to being blonde again!  I decided to get my hair done before heading back to NYC because, well, it is cheaper, and second of all NYC salons are not opened. Another exciting news, Matt James has been announced the new Bachelor! This is amazing on so many levels. He is the first black Bachelor after 25 seasons… let that sink in. He is an “unknown” in Bachelor Nation. They haven’t casted a lead that was not originally on the previous season as a contestant since the early years. Having Matt as the lead who was never previously on any season is refreshing. Although we do know a lot about him because he is best friends with Tyler. And last but not least, from what I have seen of him on social media since he blew up being Tyler’s friend, I always thought Matt seemed like a great guy. I hope they do not skip over Clare’s season of Bachelorette, but I am excited to watch Matt being the Bachelor!

Have a wonderful weekend xo



1. Jason Wu collaborates with 1-800-Flowers

2. Adore this floral top

3.A cute scalloped midi dress

4. The perfect skirt for the summer

5. The history of tie-dye

6. Love this summer bucket list

7. Skincare tips for people with freckles

8. Everything we know about new Bachelor Matt James

9. Homemade ice cream recipes

10. Your complete guide to houseplants