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hat // dress (similar) // towel 

 For the past few years, hats have become a staple part of my seasonal wardrobe. In the summer, however, they are more than just for style, I wear them to protect my face from the sun. Although I love the sun shining on my skin while I lay poolside or simply reading a book out on the patio, I am also someone who takes precautions to protect myself from sun damage. I always wear SPF and when I know I will be out and about for a while, I will throw on a sun hat (sometimes ball cap if need be).

Sun hats are an essential summertime accessory to have. Whether you are at the beach or at a picnic with your friends, sun hats complete your outfit. Currently, I have the classic Panama hat, this Brixton hat with a black ribbon, and two wide brim hats with white ribbon from J.Crew and Eric Javits. Now I want to get a sun hat with a floral ribbon and one that ties under my chin. Here are a few that are currently on my radar to purchase.