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“We need joy as we need air. We need love as we need water.

We need each other as we need the earth we share.”

-Maya Angelou

Happy Friday! Tropical Storm Fay is about to make it’s appearance in NYC very soon. Right now it’s the calm before the storm. Personally, I love rainy days that feel serene. Days when you cuddled up with a blanket on the couch with a good book or while watching a movie. But I know this storm, however, once it hits has and will cause a lot of damage. So please be safe!

This week has felt like a storm in itself. As you may know, Nick Cordero lost his battle with COVID-19 earlier this week. I heard the sad news and immediately started to sob for hours. And then I was angry. It all seems so unfair. He fought so hard for so long. I have only met Nick once, quickly after a workout. But from what friends have said, he truly is an amazing guy. I may not have known Nick, but I am blessed to know Amanda.  The silver lining of this all is that the world can now see the type of person Amanda is and to become inspired by her like I am. Amanda truly is one of those people who just oozes positivity.  She is someone who walks in a room and immediately the room becomes lighter. I have looked up to her for the 3+years I have known her. Not only because of her optimistic outlook on life but her strive and ambition in creating her company. She is someone who cheers on others, always has a welcoming smile for anyone who walks into her workout class, and makes everyone feel like her best friend. I became a regular in Amanda’s class not because I love to dance (which is why I went in the first place), but because no matter what I am going through I will come out of the workout feeling happier. Amanda has a contagious personality. It breaks my heart she is going through this. But Amanda, as you have all seen, has shown grace, strength, and hope throughout this entire fight. I know she has inspired so many people who may also be struggling with losing a loved one from COVID or for another reason. No one is better suited for the job like Amanda.

I also hope another silver lining of Nick’s passing is that it will finally get people to WAKE UP and realize that this thing is serious. I can not believe people are STILL not taking this virus as seriously as they should be. Nick was an A-List Broadway star in great shape with no pre-existing conditions. This virus should not have taken down a man this young and healthy. But it did and it can do it to any of us. Please wear a mask. Yes it sucks and it makes us break out and sweat, but you are saving not only your own life but others. Think of people besides your temporary discomfort. Stop gathering in large groups. I know things are opening up, but they are only opening up because our economy is tanking, NOT because it’s safe. Your need to gather in large groups with friends is not as important as saving lives. If you continue to not wear a mask and not social distance we will still be battling the virus next year, and 2021 will also be canceled. I hope you are all doing what is right; making smart choices. Sorry if I am coming off preachy or even angry. It just breaks my heart Amanda had to go through this and Elvis, who is only 1 yrs old, is going to live a life without his incredibly talented, caring, superstar father. I do not want anyone else to go through this, so if we can prevent it, let us do so!

So yes, the beginning of my week was filled with tears and anger.  I talked and am still talking to my mom about my emotions. Trying to process why God chose Nick. We may never know the answer, but I feel a lot better after chatting with her. One thing I have come to realize after all of this is that life is too short.  This is what I am choosing to take away from this tragedy. Life is too short for anger, life is too short to not tell people you love them. Life is too short to not be happy. Let things go. Forgive others and forgive yourself. Life is too short to not go after your dreams. It makes me want to no longer wait for my life to happen, but to create the life that I want. I know currently, it is hard to seize the day as we are still in lockdown, but what it does teach me is to appreciate the little moments; reading a good book, drinking matcha, chatting on the phone with my parents, having a great sister and BIL, a close family, seeing my barista friends at Starbucks, checking in on my friends, having the worlds best niece, having a crush on a guy, blaring music and dancing around in my apartment, taking long walks around the city, watching Friends to the millionth time, daydreaming about the future, shopping online, and so much more. Life is too short to not live every moment like it’s the best moment.

Well speaking of seizing the moment, I have watched Hamilton a few times already and am planning on rewatching it again and again and again. Best $6.99 I have ever spent (the cost of Disney +). It’s so good!! I was always on the fence in seeing it. I thought it was going to be one of those things where people chalked it up so much that I was going to end up being disappointed. I knew I would eventually see it live but never wanted to pay a crazy amount it cost. What a fool I was. Should have gone to see it with the original cast. Lesson learned!

Other than Hamilton my weekend looks as if it will be a binge-watching, couch potato one, with the Tropical Storm Fay and all. Since being back in NYC I have started a ritual of taking daily 30 minute walks during the week. Then on the weekends, I take an hour-long walk. It gets me out of the house, and to explore the city while listening to music. I get fresh air and a little bit of exercise while taking the time for myself to think or enjoy whatever song is playing. It’s quite lovely. I am hoping for some moments of sunshine this weekend so I can take a walk. Other than that nothing else is new in my world.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend xo


1. How Amanda Kloots inspired others during Nick’s battle with COVID-19

2. The cutest summer dress

3. Have my eye on this one-piece swimsuit

4. You will live in this top this summer

5. Swan Lake Bath Ballet

6. I want to live at these incredible flower farms

7. Chanel’s Fall 2020 Haute Couture collection is a quiet storm of rock-rebel style

8. 5 benefits of gardening

9. Excited to try Cameron Diaz & Katherine Power’s clean, vegan-free wine

10. Simone Bile’s Vogue cover