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“you still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want”


Happy Friday! I am looking forward to this weekend. Nothing exciting is happening, I am just excited for my weekend ritual of walking for an hour around the city both Saturday and Sunday. It really rejuvenates me and lifts my spirit. I get fresh air, exercise, somewhat connecting with other people, and a chance to listen to great music and Podcasts.

Last Sunday I sat in Washington Square Park for a while, just listening to music and people watching. I sat in the shad and enjoyed the moment. Enjoyed being present and grateful for my life. Washington Square Park can get a bad rep for being overly crowded and touristy, both are true. But I also think it has some lovely entertainment like the pianist who always plays “Clair de Lune”, my favorite classical song, and a doo-wop group singing oldies.  Anyway, WSP is one of my favorite parks that I frequent along with a few others.

Other than my enjoyment of walking, this past week has been like every other week. Trying to find ways to entertain myself while being quarantined. At least this time I had a conference to listen to. Chloé Digital, the tech company I use to help with the backend of my website, held a webinar about the current state of blogging and what the future holds. Like everyone else in this world, we are trying to navigate the new normal. They had some interesting points and there are certain parts of blogging I need to shift focus on. We are all doing our best during these trying times.

Other than learning about the new way of blogging, I have been binge-watching shows.  Two shows that I highly suggest are both docuseries. The first one being about Garth Brooks on Netflix. It’s a two-part series starting with how he came about in the music business during college at Oklahoma University. How he changed country music in the ’90s with all of the beloved songs we know today. And how he made his way back from his little hiatus of the early 2000’s. I have always been a fan of Garth Brooks, even when I was younger. Now, being an adult and knowing the type of man he is, I love him even more. I love how humble he is and his faith in God. I love that he easily gets emotional over things. I love that he truly appreciates the moment and finds silver linings in every situation. And of course, I love his music! He is a great man. When he did his comeback tour I went to see him with my dad and sister back in 2016. It was one of the best concerts I have ever been to. Garth Brooks’s energy is unparalleled. He doesn’t need back up dancers or gimmicks, and he is still engaging and extremely entertaining.

Another docuseries I suggest is Down to Earth on Netflix with Zac Efron. I mean, who doesn’t want Zac Efron to teach them about environmental science and sustainability. I am only a few episodes in and find it so very fascinating what other countries are doing to help the earth. It’s sad how far behind the USA is in doing our part to clean up the environment and set up systems that will give us a more sustainable life. It’s definitely worth watching even if you do not believe in climate change or wellness, etc. It’s worth watching to learn about things outside our norm. Also, Zac is clearly easy on eyes– I would like to brag that I have been a fan of his since High School Musical and never stopped. The show is pure, entertaining, beautiful views all around, and educational.

This weekend, as mentioned, I will be taking my hour-long walk both Saturday and Sunday. Very excited about this! Will probably take my book and read at a park somewhere. Maybe find a quiet, socially distance spot to lay out under the sun. And I will be participating in LTK Day– this Sunday the 19th. Head to my LTK page where I will be sharing a few brands that are only on sale on the LTK app that you can shop! I will also be sharing on my IG Stories as well, in case you forget to check my LTK page.

Have a wonderful weekend, wear a mask and make smart choices xo


1. The best of Resort 2021 collections

2. Oh this dress is cute

3. Love this easy-breezy top

4. I want these earrings

5. The history of the dolls that inspired Dior’s Couture Collection

6. Creating Clueless’s iconic wardrobe

7. How to ease back into working out again

8. Face yoga exercises to tighten, tone, and give you glow

9. Hallmark Christmas movies 2020 schedule

10. Home styling tips we learned from Nancy Meyers