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“Love is the most powerful energy there is”

-Jean-Michel Basquiat

Happy Friday!! What a great week this was. One Direction had their 10-year reunion, which gave me a wonderful nostalgic trip down memory lane– even attending their concert!  And Taylor Swift dropped her 8th album, Folklore. Which is possibly the best thing to have happened in 2020. It’s the little things in life now that you have to run with. I have nothing else to do but to be happy for celebrities. I need a life…

Anyway, if you are like me then you immediately purchase Folkore once the album dropped, then stayed up all night listening to it on repeat. The second I heard the lyrics “I’m doing good, I’m on some new shit”, I knew we were in for a great album. I have to admit the first run-through I was a little disappointed that most of the songs were about heartbreak. I was hoping for more songs about being happily in love. I mean thank God I am not going through a break-up or am getting my heart broken because I would be gone, dead, on the floor in a fetal position sobbing. So some, if not all, of the breakup songs I can listen to with emotional maturity and healing, and actually enjoy them.  This is what I love most about the album. It gives something for everyone at any stage of love to relate to; heartbreak, cheating, trying to get someone back, nostalgia, happiness, relationship realness, etc. You can tell where someone is in life by what their favorite song of the album is, what they relate to the most. That is why my top two are not surprising.

The song I love the most is “Invisible String”- about how life brought two people together. How they were always destined even when they didn’t know each other. My second favorite is “The 1”- a healthy way to look back at a relationship where you thought the guy was the one and thinking the what-ifs as this would have been fun, but not longing for him still. Others that I really like are “Mirrorball”, “Betty”. “Cardigan”, “My Tears Ricochet”, and “August”. I love the entire album, but the above has been on repeat since midnight. So yes, Taylor Swift releasing a surprise album on a rainy day has taken me through every emotion possible today. Some songs feel like she ripped them out of my journal– like it usually feels with her songs. This album is pure poetry.

I do not remember what life was like before Folklore came out, but from what I can muster up it was a good week overall. Spent most of the week reading, working out, creating content, and catching up on Real Housewives of BH and NYC. RHONY…. good Lord they are a vile mess. It’s like a trainwreck I can not look away from. I am not sure if I am even entertained anymore, but will still watch it.

NYC is in phase 4 of reopening. I am starting to get invites to events and even some collaborations coming through. I have declined the events, but it is nice to see things slowly going back to normal. I still have not gotten together with friends for a social distance catch up. I went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond this past week and thought it was the riskiest thing ever. Ha. I think I am slowly ready to have coffee or drinks with someone or even hang out at the park with friends. Something to get me out of this apartment. There has been a lot of drive-in movies popping up around the city that I would love to go to. I think it would be fun to rent a car, pack food and blankets, and watch an old movie. We will see!

This weekend I have nothing planned on the agenda besides my usual hour-long walk around the city. I haven’t been in the subway since this whole thing started, and thinking of maybe taking the train to Brooklyn to walk around or even to Central Park. I am in need of a change of scenery. I have even thought about taking a day trip somewhere like the Catskills or Storm King, something in nature where I do not have to wear a mask and can walk freely. That does sound lovely!

Hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend xo


1. Breakdown of Taylor Swift’s Folklore album

2.  How cute is this tie-back maxi dress

3. Never say no to a new headband

4. This tie bow top is only $65

5. Love this interview of Alexa and Sarah of Margaux

6. Life lessons we can learn from Dolly Parton

7. Surprising innovative designs of NY Streateries

8. The best drive-in movies theaters in and around NYC

9. 11 outrageous stories about Princess Margaret

10. Best table decorating ideas for every occasion