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“To see a world in a grain of sand

And a heaven in a wild flower,

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand

And eternity in an hour.”

-William Blake

Happy Friday! It’s raining in NYC, which I completely welcome. It has been ungodly hot here lately; it’s nice to have a day or two that feels cool. A day where you can lay on the couch and read or listen to music. A day of calm.

This past week had a dash of normalcy. A spark of hope that things are starting to get better. Returning back to the familiarity we once knew of living. I had my first photoshoot with my photographer Lauren since the pandemic started. I know it’s a minuscule of importance compared to what is going on in the world but for me, it was like breathing again. Yes, I have been creating content throughout these past few months; whether it was around my parent’s house or backyard or at a nearby park. But being able to get dressed up, run around town shooting at different locations, and hearing the fast click of the camera was the stress release I didn’t know I needed. On top of that, I received my first paid collaboration in MONTHS. (Some) Brands have paused campaigns as they, and the rest of the world, waited to see what the future held. Getting a paid collaboration felt like a weight has been lifted. I cried tears of happiness that things will be ok. Yes, we are far from being out of the darkness, but for me, these small victories, the familiarities of normalcy has strengthened my faith and given me something to be grateful for.

Other than my taste of returning to normal, this past week I did the usual– worked out, read, walked around the city,  and had Folklore on repeat. I really can not get enough of the album!! Every day I have a new favorite. Speaking of music, last night I watched the Ben Platt special on Netflix (finally). I really enjoyed it, as I absolutely adore Ben Platt! From his music to his acting career to his cute personality, I am an all-around fan of his. It was enjoyable to listen to his inspiration for writing his songs. He writes about past relationships as well as his love for his family. His music fills me up with such hope and gratitude.

This weekend will be very much like the previous one and the one before that. If it is not raining I will find a shaded spot at the park to read or maybe sunbath. The High Line has reopened, so I am hoping to safely walk on it at some point.  I have a few more DanceBody summer dances to learn, so am planning on learning one or two new ones. Basically just another weekend of social distancing and wearing my mask.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend xo


1.The fabulous life of Rebekah Harkness, the socialite who inspired Taylor Swift’s song

2. Your new summer dress

3. Comfy everyday linen shorts

4. Want these sneakers from Kate Spade x Keds collection

5.  Swooning over Jenn’s living room reveal

6. Loved this interview with Amanda Kloots

7. The history of Gucci

8. Unexpected wallpaper design ideas

9. I want to visit all of these charming bookstores

10. Love the new Nike commercial ‘You Can’t Stop Us’