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dress // sneakers // sunglasses // clutch (similar) // hat (similar)

When I was in Ohio, my mom and I would drive to the Park of Roses to walk around the garden. For those of you who do not live in Columbus, Park of Roses is exactly how it sounds. It’s this huge park with baseball fields, playgrounds, standard park attributes, but it also has this large section filled with flowers and a beautiful water fountain. With a little research, I found out that Park of Roses is one of the largest public gardens in the U.S. They have a variety of roses like floribunda, damasks, gallicas, and centifolias, as well as perennials, herbs, bulbs, and ornamental trees.


dress // sneakers // sunglasses // clutch (similar) // hat (similar)

During my time home, we took a few trips to the park. During one of our early morning trips, the sprinklers were on; watering the flowers. With the sprinklers on, this meant the walkways would become a gamble. You had to time it exactly right in order to prevent getting soaking wet. You would run as fast as you can while a sprinkler was only a few feet behind you. On this day we had my niece with us, who absolutely loved trying to outrun the sprinklers. It was very hard to get her to leave the park. I do not blame her, the park is beautiful.

This past spring I started to become interested in gardening. I would help my parents plant flowers, sprinkling the seeds onto the ground then covering it up with mulch. I have always been interested in floriculture, even worked at my aunt’s floral shop during college. Now to satisfy my green thumb here in the city I either make flower crowns at parties/events or buy flowers from the local bodega. And stalking floral farms on Instagram, of course. So being able to walk through a beautiful garden while I was escaping at home, well, it was heaven to me.