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It’s time to share what books I read this past spring part two! If you missed part one, you can head here to this post. I really lucked out with reading some great books this past season. I throughly enjoyed each and every one of them. Sometimes you get a book that you read but you feel they are not all that interesting. Luckily, I would highly recommend each book I read on the two lists I created. As always, I give a little synopsis and then a review of the book which contains spoilers. So if you have not read the book yet, skip over the review. If you have the read book, please read the review and then email or DM me your thoughts on it! I always love chatting about the books I read with people. Enjoy!


Boston native Bex Porter is an exchange student at Oxford University. For the first time in her life, Bex is doing something for herself and not with her twin sister Lacey. Little did Bex know that her study abroad semester would lead to her falling in love with the heir to the British throne, Nick. On the eve their wedding, Bex looks back at the roller coaster of their relationship. Wondering if the wedding will take place after Nick finds out what she has done. The Royal We does parallel William and Harry’s life in a way, with a mix between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton’s love stories with the two princes. But it’s completely fiction. I devoured this book and highly recommend it if you are a Royal fan like myself. Can’t wait for part 2 of the series! 

Review and Spoilers

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book but did feel it could be cut down a little. A LOT happens to the point I would forget side characters that would reappear 10 chapters later or storylines that took place. Overall it is very intriguing and worth reading, and I did enjoy every single story that was written within the book. I loved how we grow up with the group, from beer-chugging at the University to Royal affairs. It was nice that the book, although is about Bex and Nick’s relationship, also followed other character developments like Gaz and Cilla’s relationship. I absolutely loved the two of them and was so happy they got together! My favorite characters are the two Royal brothers, Nick and Freddie. I loved their relationship and camaraderie. Very much like William and Harry’s. Bex, I would go in and out of liking. I think a lot of her decisions were idiotic, like kissing Freddie. I could not fully get on board with idea of them being romantically involved. I get Freddie having feelings for her, but acting on those feelings seemed far left field to me. For a second I believed there may be a chance that Nick does not go through with the wedding. Of course, I wasn’t fully convinced, because why would we waste time on their relationship if there wasn’t going to be a wedding. Still, you never know how the story may go. Anyway, I am not sure if the authors wanted us to like Lacey or not but I could not stand her. I pegged her for the attention-seeking person she was from the second she was written into the story. I felt she was so cringe-worthy the entire time. With my personal feelings aside from a few characters, I truly did love the book and can not wait for the sequel. I want to see what happens with Clive and if he continues to blackmail them. I really did not see that one coming! Will there be a new villain?  Can’t wait to find out what happens next!!




Ronni Johnson is a practical nurse working at Fairfield Springs, an assisted living facility. While she deals with a lot of patients that live at Fairfield, one, in particular, becomes almost like family to Ronni. Violet is a captivating woman who has lived an interesting life. She used to tell Ronni story after story of her handsome suitors and life growing up in Georgia. When Violet passes away, she leaves Ronni a very generous bequest, but only if Ronni completes writing the book of Violet’s life within one year. It All Comes Back To You tells the tale of two women from the past and present time. As Ronni continues to dig through Violet’s life, many secrets and unfortunate events start to come out that shock Ronni to the core. It’s about relationships, love, friendship, hard life decisions, and finding the strength to take care of yourself. But most importantly it’s about knowing that you do not have to be blood-related to be considered family. I enjoyed this book and would recommend it, but it’s not a top favorite.


Review and Spoilers

It’s a nice storyline and I never knew what to expect next with Violet’s story which kept me on my toes. I much preferred Violet’s storylines more than Ronni’s, but I see how Ronni’s story is important to the overall message of the book. How Ronni changed personally, gained more confidence, fell in love, and accomplished something she never thought she could do. It was nice to see her transform into a strong woman. I really wish Violet did not end up with Chet at the end. I always found him to be creepy, even as a kid. I did NOT expect him to be the cause of the turn of events that happen in Violet’s life. Like causing Johnny’s accident or telling Sam’s family about their plans to elope. I did, however, know that it was Chet who pushed Violet’s husband down the stairs the second it was written. I just had a feeling it was him. At the beginning of the book, you know that the end of Violet’s life is spent with a man from her past. I always thought it was going to be Sam. I really did. I was always rooting for them to be together, but that isn’t always life. I was disappointed it was Chet because, well, I didn’t like him at all. I think the story ties-up neatly at the end with Ronni’s book being published, the new entertainment room at Fairfields, Ronni finding a new family with Violet’s daughter, and of course her relationship with Rick. But my favorite part of the ending was how you finally find out that the “cool kids table” is filled with all of Violet’s past lovers. I thought that was very sweet.