This post may contain affiliated links, which means if you purchase an item I will earn commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you!

“Life is a gift. Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are in.”


Happy Friday!! This is a very special weekend as my birthday is on Monday! I have absolutely no plans on how I am celebrating, only that I am going to surround myself with and do all of the things I love. I thought about getting together with friends for outdoor drinks then realized that my friends have either moved, currently quarantined somewhere else, or pregnant. So I may be spending my birthday alone, which is fine– honestly! I have never been one to be bored by myself. I will spend the weekend relaxing, immersing myself in all the things that make me happy, lots of self-care and self-love, and of course non-stop dance parties. I am excited to treat myself to a weekend of celebration.

I would be lying if I said turning another year older doesn’t scare me. It does. I feel like Joey Tribbiani in “The One Where They All Turn Thirty” when he freaks out and cries WHY GOD WHY? We had a deal! Let the others grow old, not me! I still can’t believe I am turning 35 years old. Where did the time go? It feels like one minute I was fresh out of college and the next I am searching for the best eye cream (BeautyCounter’s Countertime Ultra Renewal Eye Cream btw). My life is nowhere near what I thought it would be– I believe it’s better than I ever imagined it. Sure I wish some things were different; I want to be married with kids and a millionaire, but those things will come in God’s timing. I believe that the Universe and God have my back and are constantly leading me to the best, to all things good in life. I feel loved, supported, healthy, successful, happy, prosperous, evolving, safe, blessed, and filled with optimism. I have more joy and a better outlook on life than I ever did in my 20’s. So if this is what turning another year older feels and looks like, than I am here for it! (fast forward to Monday when I cry while eating ice cream 😉 )

Besides my BDay, this past week was all about remotivating, refreshing, rejuvenating my career. Yesterday was my first time attending #RSTheCon. Each year RewardStyle (the affiliate program I use for commissioned links) hosts an annual conference in Dallas, Texas for the top bloggers. Since COVID put a damper on any social gathering of large groups, this year they went digital. What I love about blogging is that it is constantly evolving, which means I am continually learning something new. No matter what stage of blogging you are in, there is something new to learn that will help you grow and evolve your platform. The all-day conference gave a lot of great insights into the current state of blogging, new tools and tips for growth, and so much more. One of the main takeaways from the conference is that video is the most popular form of social consuming (TikTok and Reels). I did my first IG Reels here– and am looking forward to publishing more in the future. has also added a video feature to its platform. This is a great way to show you more in-depth detailing about products, humanizing it. Each video will come with shoppable links for you to purchase the items. If you are unfamiliar with the LTK app— it is a shoppable app where I, and basically all other bloggers, post outfit / home decor / fitness / lifestyle / kids / makeup and skincare items for you to shop. Each time you click on a link on my blog or in the LTK app and purchase that item (or any item from the retailer) I get a percentage commission (anonymous and at no extra cost to you). LTK is an easy and great way to discover new brands, new bloggers, shop for certain items, and more. I am excited to start bringing more video content to you through LTK and on IG!! You can follow me on LTK here.

Besides #RSTheCon, I met with my photographer Lauren this past Wednesday to shoot at South Street Seaport. Unfortunately, we were rained out and could only do one outfit. It’s a bummer when the weather does not cooperate, can be challenging at times. We had to reschedule for this coming week, which pushes back my content schedule, but that is life. I am grateful I was able to get at least one outfit in.

Have you watched Love on the Spectrum on Netflix? Well you must! It really restores your faith in humanity and will make you believe in love again. Love on the Spectrum is a 5-part documentary series that follows 20-something-year-olds with autism who are currently looking for love. We follow their journey as they go on their first-ever first date, learn how to act and what to do on dates, and navigate the dating scene like the rest of us. What I love most about the show is how kind they are to each other– whether that is their own personality or because they are being filmed- no matter who they are on a date with they show respect and kindness. Trust me I have been on dates where the guy is rude and aggressive. I think a lot of people without autism can learn some dating tips from them. The men usually bring flowers to their dates, dress to look their best, and are respectful to their date’s feelings and insecurities. It’s sweet and will have you beaming.

As mentioned I will be spending my weekend celebrating my birthday. I have to finish watching Schitt’s Creek (LOVE LOVE LOVE!), get a new book, work out, will go on one or two long walks, maybe order breakfast, go shopping, and much more.  Trying to ring in a new year on a good note.

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1. Everything you need to know about the Dear Evan Hansen movie

2. I have my eye on this dress

3. This pretty sweater will be a fall/winter favorite

4. A cute skirt to wear from summer to fall

5. Ballerina’s model Gabriela Hearst’s pre-fall collection

6. Where is Love on the Spectrum cast now?

7. A helpful guide to reading a ballot

8. The most colorful places in the world

9.Delicious plant-based recipes to try

10. An interesting read on the fashion trend cycle and if it should end