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“What if it does work out exactly how you imagined it or greater.

Entertain that thought.”

-Idil Ahmed


Happy Friday! What a wonderful week this has been. My birthday was this past Monday and everyone made it extra special since I could not be around some of the people that I love to celebrate. I received cards, flowers, personal messages, phone calls, and a little BDay surprise! Thank you for the birthday wishes!

Since we are in the middle of a pandemic my parents were unable to be here in NYC to celebrate with me. This is the first year of my life I have not been with my parents on my actual birthday. My mom knows that the only people I see or really talk to daily are the baristas at the Starbucks near my apartment. Some of the baristas at Starbucks have become my buddies over the past few months; we talk about life, joke around, etc. They know who I am and my order by heart (venti matcha latte with almond milk non-sweetened). I can honestly say I have gone there in a bad mood and left feeling happy because they make my day. Anyway, since my mom knows that I frequently go to Starbucks she called and asked them to sing or wish me a happy birthday when I walked in…. and they did!! One of the guys who I talk to started singing happy birthday when I walked up to the registered. Stunned I asked him how he knew it was my birthday. He told me my mom called to let them know. I was embarrassed but it is also very sweet and thoughtful! It really made my birthday so special, a day I thought I would be sad and crying since I was alone-

The rest of my day was just as good! I had myself a little dance party– doing a Dancebody class. I walked around the city, cooked steak for dinner, ordered pancakes for brunch, had GF chocolate cake for dessert, watched Hallmark movies, and read all day. I feel good about a brand new year and look forward to all of the wonderful things that this year has in store for me. My day was all about surrounding myself with things that make me happy. Little pleasures in life. Usually for my birthday I buy myself something I have been eyeing or have a spa day. This year, however, with everyone going on, I wanted to focus on everyday happiness. Finding joy in simple things. I bought myself a new journal that has a pretty floral print from Goods For The Study in Greenwich. I have always kept a journal for as long as I can remember. I currently have two that I write in (one for work/content, the other for thoughts and gratitude) that are almost finished, so I needed a new one. It seems silly to be joyful about an everyday item, something I can get whenever I want, but as I mentioned I am really trying to focus on little pleasures in life.

Besides celebrating my birthday I spent most of the week doing the usual; worked, ran errands, worked out, had a photoshoot, created content (new IG REELS!) etc. I finished a few shows this past week– Schitt’s Creek and Love on The Spectrum. Both I highly recommend for a feel-good watch! I am now finishing the final season of Homeland. I started the 8th season months ago but stopped once the pandemic hit and I went home to Ohio, then I forgot about it. It’s one of those shows that I have watched it since the beginning but am glad it’s over. The first few seasons were amazing, and I still think each season is good, but it’s time for it to end. Plus I want to cancel my Showtime subscription for HBO Max (annoyed they got rid of HBO Go), so I can continue to watch Succession. Anyway, I am excited to see how Homeland ends!

This weekend once again I have nothing on the agenda. I will of course be taking my weekly walk around the city. Thinking of going either uptown or to the east side. I am in the middle of my new book “Summer of ’69” (love it so far) and will take some time to read that this weekend– preferably at the park. Maybe I will go for a run or put on my bikini and lay in the sun. I will take each day as it comes.

Have a wonderful weekend– wear SPF and your mask xo


1. Love this interview with Riley Sheehey of C’est Riley- been obsessing over her Instagram lately

2. Eyeing this cute dress

3. A floral skirt for fall

4. Oh this cardigan is so pretty

5.  Celebrating 60 years of Alvin Ailey and Revelations

6. How cute are these illustrations of NYC restaurants

7. Why do Rom Coms still treat turning 30 as a death sentence?

8. The best fashion campaigns for fall 2020

9. 25 recipes to bake this fall

10. Taking notes on Allie’s tips for storage hacks for small apartments