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dress / shoes (similar) / earrings / circle bag / sunglasses

The pandemic has made us slow down, forcing us to spend more time with ourselves and loved ones. We learned to bake, tried to piece together puzzles, sat through movie marathons, and picked up a book to read. Restaurants have turned the streets into a magical al fresco experience. Museums are less crowded, allowing us to gaze at the art as long as we desire. We became creative in how we spend our time. Date nights are more about conversations and intimacy.  A walk in the park is romantic again. We realized that it’s not what you do but who you spend your time with. Knowing that this special person wants to be with you doing the simplest things in life, well I can’t think of anything better.

The concept of putting on makeup, doing your hair, wearing heels and a dress may seem foreign to you. We spent all winter living in sweatpants, and finally with the sunshine season, started to venture outside in cute summer dresses. With so much stress and uncertainty, I feel we owe it to ourselves to feel good again. It doesn’t matter what you do or how you spend your time with your significant other, the is always an opportunity to dress up. The moment I saw this dress I envisioned myself wearing it to a variety of places. Easily pair it with heels for dinner under the stars at a new restaurant. Throw on sneakers or flats to walk through a museum or even as simple as cooking from home. A cute dress such as this floral one can tailor to whatever creative date night you and your significant other have.


dress / shoes (similar) / earrings / circle bag / sunglasses

Although fall is upon us, we still have plenty of warm weather left in the year to wear a pretty floral dress. And there is always next summer when hopefully things are back to normal and we can go about life as if 2020 never happened. This floral dress is timeless, just like a romantic walk in the park.

*Check out safe date ideas