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“You have to work really hard to believe in yourself and stay committed to your dream,

especially when things get scary and the insecurities and self-doubt come a-knocking.”

-Blake Blankenbecler

Happy Friday! When I was getting my morning matcha from Starbucks this morning I was chatting with one of my favorite Baristas about how even though every day feels the same, it still feels so good to head into the weekend. Does anyone else feel this way? Maybe old mindsets die hard.

I am trying to enjoy every moment of the warm weather before it gets too cold. It has been enjoyable with the cooler temps, being able to walk around without feeling as if I jumped into a pool. Last weekend I joined friends at Central Park for an afternoon picnic. It was my first outing with friends and I have to tell you, it really lifted my spirits. Although we have done Zoom happy hours, being physically around my friends was amazing. We chatted for 4 hours about everything; we laughed, had serious conversations, gave advice. I can’t put into words how grateful I felt to be there, how much I needed it. The weather was a cool breeze with a little sun. It was the perfect day.

Another pick me up activity I did last weekend was walk around the Met Museum. I spent about 2 hours frolicking around looking at paintings and sculptures. My favorite area of the Museum is the European Paintings on the second floor. I am partial to Degas paintings as most of his work is of ballerinas. Growing up in my dance studio there were prints of Degas paintings everywhere. It feels comforting to look at them. Anyway, a silver lining about the pandemic is that it gives new light on things you take for granted. Not that I ever took something like the Met Museum for granted. But the ability to always be surrounded by art that was right at the tips of my fingers, I didn’t utilize as often as I should. Being back at the Met felt as if it was my first time. I looked at the paintings in awe; memorizing the colors, pondering its meaning. I felt the way I always feel when I am emersed in art, creation, movement, and beauty– as if I am in love.

This past week I had a few webinars that I attended. The first being Garnier Green Beauty. They had an interactive “village”, almost like a SIMS video game. You traveled through the village clicking on items such as Townhouse, Library, etc to learn more about how they create their hair care products in a sustainable, natural way. It was very interesting and I love seeing beauty companies being environmentally conscious.

The other webinar that I attended was the Spring ’21 Preview Collection for Lafayette 148. The design and production team took us through what inspired the upcoming collection- nature was the inspiration. They are introducing a new print that looks between Zebra, palm, and chevron in a light green palette. The preview was the only digital NYFW event attended.

The Big Ten is back!! I am happy that Ohio State will be playing football this fall season. I knew the spring season would never come about. Am I the biggest football fan? No. Definitely not. I only watch OSU play, and truthfully I don’t watch every game. Ok, I also watch the Superbowl but mostly for the social aspect of it. Anyway, I was looking forward to this season, for something to feel normal again. When it was announced that the Big Ten conference was being postponed or altogether canceled, I was disappointed. What was I going to do with myself during the fall when being outside becomes intolerable due to the weather? I was also an advocate that these kids would be better protected from COVID by having a season. They wouldn’t be going out to parties, spreading the virus. They would take extra precautions to ensure they were healthy so they could play. I am happy for the boys that they get their season back and happy for myself that I now have something to do on the weekends.

What I am watching: I have been binge-watching Netflix’s new series Get Organized with The Home Edit. Although I love any tips and advice on organization and decluttering,  I wasn’t too sure if I would like it, or at least keep my interest.  I only started to watch it because the first episode is with Reese Witherspoon, and I will watch anything that has her in it. But of course, I got hooked and have been enjoying every episode thus far. I talked more about the show on my latest post here.

What I bought this past week: Recently I bought these leggings that are only $26. I have them in smoky green and wear them all of the time. Since I love them so much, I decided to purchase it in steel blue. Although cheap, I think the quality is good. I wear a size small. I have not, and most likely will never, work out in them. I wanted colorful leggings to work from home in. Speaking of work from home attire, I also bought this dress to lounge around the house in (haven’t received yet but ordered a small). Although the colors are more tailored to the spring and summer seasons, I will still wear this throughout the fall. I can easily throw a sweater or cardigan over it if it gets a little chilly in my apartment.

This weekend I have nothing on the agenda, nothing as exciting as last weekend when my days were filled. I want to finish my current book (love it!) and start my new book. I am hoping to go for a run as well. I am now back up to 2 miles! It seems easy to most of you, but for me, this was pretty much where I was before the pandemic started. Although I was running at a faster pace. Other than that, I am sure I will explore a “new” area of Manhattan or Brooklyn to walk aimlessly around.

Oh and look out for Sunday for the #LTKFALLSALE. On my LTK page, I will be sharing brands that are only on sale exclusively through the app. This is a great opportunity to shop fall items for a more affordable price. Follow me on the LTK and get ready to shop the fall sale!!

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1. I Love New York

2. Would wear this everyday 

3. I think I need a blush color flat brim fedora (comes in other colors)

4. This cute ruffle neck top is on sale

5. Ballerina Bookclub: Misty Copeland

6.Swooning over Aerin Launder’s Hamptons house

7.Top tips from Netflix’s Get Organized with The Home Edit

8. How cute is Almost 30 podcast’s home office

9. The chicest street styles of NYFW

10. Love Krystal’s post “Long Live New York”