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“let us live like flowers

wild and beautiful

and drenched in sun”

-ellen everett


Happy Friday! My excitement for the tonight can not be expressed. Tonight is Father of the Bride: Part 3-ish and I can not contain my excitement! I LOVE the first two Father of the Bride movies and am happy they are reuniting. Steve Martin, I find to be one of the funniest comedians ever. So I know tonight is going to be filled with lots of laughter, love, and possibly tears of joy. This is what we (I) need in 2020. You can watch it here tonight at 6pm et.

Are you starting to feel restless? I am. I think I have island fever. Nevermind, I know I have island fever. I so desperately crave a mini escape; a weekend away from the city. I try my best to explore different areas of NYC each weekend for a change of scenery, but even that is starting to feel stale. Maybe it’s the lack of socializing that is finally getting to me. Maybe that is what I need more than fresh skyscrapers and parks. I saw my friends a few weeks ago for the first time in months, and that did wonders for my mental health. And although I see people daily (it’s the city after all), and talk to people like my family, a few friends, and the baristas at Starbucks, I miss socializing. I mean truly socializing; events, drinks with friends, going on dates, brunch, etc. The extrovert in me is being deprived, and even the introvert in me is starting to need human connections. Sigh 2020… is it over yet? At least I am still in a good mood most of the time, so I can’t complain too much.

Anyway, besides wanting a hug, this past week was more about checking things off my to-do list. I watched The Home Edit on Netflix and like the rest of America, I started to organize everything. The first thing I did was a deep clean of my apartment, which I do every other week. Yes, I still clean my apartment weekly, I am talking about washing the floorboards Monica Geller type of cleaning. I first organized my kitchen cabinets, which weren’t a mess before but now it aesthetically looks better. This weekend I am going to donate clothes or sell them at a thrift store to start my closet cleanout process. Next, I want to have a better filing system in place for receipts, etc. I am too embarrassed to tell you what it looks like now. It’s disastrous. My accountant would be horrified if he knew how I treated my tax stuff.

Other than pretending I am Marie Kondo, I spent most of the week working, reading, and working out. The usual. My current workout regime is to going for a mile run, then doing a 30-minute Obé video– either sculpt, pilates, or yoga. I like having a mixture of both cardio and strength together. Besides running and doing at-home dance videos, there is a lack of real cardio in my workout. When I do DanceBody at home, I am not really jumping or doing a lot of the movements fullout due to not having the room nor do I want to disturb my neighbors. I really miss dancing in the studio.

What I am watching: I am about to finish season 2 of Succession. It’s a great show and one that I recommend. Definitely a show you have to pay close attention to or you will miss something. I describe the verbiage of the show as a lot of lingo, metaphors, and nicknames. It’s almost like an inside joke; you don’t know the premises, the backend of the joke but you still get it’s meaning. Anyway, if you do watch it I would love to know who you think should get the keys to the kingdom? I think Kendall is probably the most equipped, but I love Shiv and think she would do a better job. Roman, I love for off-handed comments but he is too much of a loose cannon.

Two more shows I have started to watch, the first being Netflix’s Say I do. Say I Do fills me with so much joy and love. It’s about making people’s dream weddings come true; mostly it’s the men surpising their fiancé with a wedding or their wife with a vow renewal ceremony. It will pull on your heart strings that is forsure. I have shed a few tears during each episode so far. It’s funny, creative, heartbreaking– an all around beautiful show that I can not recommened more. A feel good show we all need. The next show is Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing NYC. I know I am late to watching this show (there is 8 seasons), but it never really piqued my interest until now. I have been into real estate reality shows lately, so of course I had to dive into this one– especially it being located in NYC. I love watching how different the city was only 9 years ago and looking at the million dollar apartments (maybe one day I will be able to afford one!). Unfortunately I am not a fan of any of the agents featured in the show, but maybe that will change as I continue through the seasons. I am still only on season 1.

What I bought this past week: As I mentioned I have been organizing different sections of my apartment. I bought this woven storage bin to put all of my workout equipment in. Before my workout stuff was thrown into a little corner all over the floor. It looks (and I feel) so much better now! Hill House Home has launched new nap dresses and I snagged the Nelsi dress in blue. I may return it and order it in red instead. I realized after I hit purchase it looks similar to my Reformation dress— although that one is not made for at-home wear. Another item I bought is this book. I am a sucker for self-help books and have had this one on my list for years. I read Jen Sincero’s first book years ago and loved it. I figured right now I could use some helpful tips, mindset advice on making more money. It’s always a joy to make more money!

This weekend I have nothing on the agenda. I know I will be heading to a thrift store to try and sell an old jacket, but that is about it. It will be a nice weekend weather-wise so I may sit in the park and read or explore the city some more. Tonight, of course, I will be watching the Father of the Bride reunion, and I am thinking of making this weekend a Bridget Jones’s Diary marathon. I haven’t seen it in a very long time!

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1.How dreamy is Poppy for Mrs. Alice 

2. A dark floral dress that is perfect for fall

3. A cute pink cardigan

4. Have my eyes on these white booties

5. Swooning over Hillary Duff’s LA Home

6.Healthy lunch recipes you can make in 15 mins

7. Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s famous collars and their message

8. Rolling Stone released the best 500 albums of all time list

9. Excited for this new documentary/competition series about Jenna Lyons

10. Fall decorating ideas for a beautiful autumn season