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banana republic

floral dress // white booties // headband // bag c/o

We have finally made it to the holiday season! After the year we have had, we deserve a little merry. I, for one, am just glad I have something to look forward to. However you are celebrating the holidays this year, with friends or family, the season brings us all joy and happiness. Something we all need right now. I will be heading home soon for the remainder of the year to celebrate the holidays with my family and to meet my new niece!

Since I haven’t had a social life in God knows how long, you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be dressing up a little extra this year for the holidays. I’m thinking a gold silk floor-length gown for Thanksgiving dinner will do. Maybe change into an after-dinner dress with ostrich feathers. Only kidding, although it does sound appealing. I may not dress like I am going to a gala, but I do want to put a little more effort into my outfits than I have all year.

banana republicbanana republicbanana republicbanana republicbanana republicbanana republic

floral dress // white booties // headband // bag c/o

This dark floral dress is perfect for Thanksgiving dinner if you want to dress up a little bit more than a chunky sweater and leggings. It’s comfortable to wear while you gobble down pumpkin pie. You will look good while you help yourself with more stuffing and gravy. And most importantly, it’s not formfitting so you can have the wiggle room for your post-dinner food coma. If you are looking to elevate your outfit on Thanksgiving, here are a few dresses to consider.