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“You will see light one day. And it will be so beautiful, so bright, that it will be

worth waiting all of those months in the dark for. Don’t lose hope.”

-life more abundantly


Happy Friday!! Thank goodness it’s the weekend! I think we all deserve some much-needed R&R. I know there isn’t much clarity as to what our future as a nation holds, but everything will work out soon. I choose to only believe in the optimistic hope that everything we have gone through this entire year will come to an end soon.

2020 has been a year of being in limbo, so I am not at all surprised by these delayed election results. I took these past few days off of social media and the blog for my own mental health. There is too much unnecessary noise. Too many opinions and theories. I had to block it all out and remove myself. I did the best I could to stay off of social, I made sure to not look at anyone’s IG stories at the very least. I also didn’t post because sharing an outfit of the day felt trivial compared to the election. Now that this thing has dragged on for days, I feel we all need a distraction. Some glimpse of normalcy, happiness, hope, and inspiration.

I spent this entire week listening to music and taking long walks. Tuesday I was so anxious that I ended up taking 3 very long walks around the city throughout the day. It felt great to be outside, moving my body and listening to music to distract myself. To calm myself from the madness. As you may already know, since starting my blog, I have shared daily on my IG stories a “jam of the day”. A song that I am currently listening to whether old or new. If you want more song recommendations you can follow me on Spotify. I have an eclectic taste in music, so there is something there from most genres. I was always that one friend in high school making mixed CDs for parties. I still have them somewhere in storage. I also have mixed cassette tapes that I made while patiently sitting by the radio for a song to come on so I could hit record on my stereo. The good old days. Anyway, now I spend hours listening to music on Spotify and create fun playlists. And if you have any recommendations on artists to listen to, please DM me! I love discovering new music.

My week wasn’t all politics and hair pulling, I had a photoshoot with my photographer this past Monday. I am working with an activewear company on day and night looks. Hopefully, you will like the pictures we took- there are some fun ones! I have another shoot next week with some looks I am again excited to show. I am trying to get in as much as I can before I head home for the holidays.

What I am watching: Well besides the fate of America, I haven’t started anything else new this week. I wanted to start The Queen’s Gambit, but haven’t had the patience to watch something new. Maybe I will start it this weekend, if not for sure next week. Luckily a few of my favorite shows were on like Dancing with the Stars and The Bachelorette. I am happy that Clare and Dale are still together and are in love! Say what you want about it being too soon but these things do happen. A friend of mine, his parents only dated for a week before getting married and 40yrs later they are still married and very happy. My parents only dated for 4 months before getting engaged. NO ONE (besides my grandparents) knew they were even dating. When my mom told her friends she was engaged, they said “to who?”. My parents have been married for 40 years. Never once have I seen or heard them fight. They are the best of friends and have a healthy relationship. You can be with someone for 10yrs and never get married or end up divorced. You can know someone is the one by just looking at them before even talking and be with them for a lifetime. There is no blueprint to love. You can meet someone, think they are great but nothing goes any further than a date or a simple chat, then a year later run into them and BAM! you realize they are the love of your life. Everyone’s love story is different, this is theirs and I am so happy for them. At the end of the day, this is Clare and Dale’s choice, their story. If they do, unfortunately, break up they still felt love for each other, and that in itself is worth celebrating. I am a hopeless romantic, I choose to believe love always works out.

What I bought: It was a miracle I didn’t stress shop this past week. The only thing I did buy was a new book Bringing Down The Duke. Last weekend I went to McNally Jackson’s in SOHO to browse. I have been trying to purchase my books from independent books stores around the city as they are having trouble because of the pandemic. Anyway, I was searching for another book which wasn’t there. I went to the romance section at McNally’s and Bringing Down The Duke was on the shelf. I realized that I had screenshotted the book over a month or so ago to look up, but never did. Felt it was a sign that I should read it next. I am only a few pages in as I haven’t had the brainpower to concentrate this past week. All I know is that it’s set in 1879 in England- at Oxford University to be exact. Annabelle Archer is one of the first females to be accepted into the university. Between that and it supposedly being a love story, I know nothing else!

This weekend I finally have plans!! Tomorrow I am heading to Central Park to celebrate my friend Sarah’s birthday. It’s going to be a casual come and go when you please. The new 2020 way to party. I am excited to finally be around other people, celebrate a birthday, be outside, meet new people, and enjoy the weekend. Other than the birthday celebration, I have nothing else planned. It’s back to being 70 degrees here in the city, so I will be spending as much time as I possibly can outdoors.

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1.Your 2020 holiday movie preview

2. How chic is this jacket?

3. This headband is perfect for the holiday season

4. I need more fall tops

5. Swooning over Karen Kane’s California home done by Mark D. Sikes

6. Cute winter date ideas to try

7. How to take care of your sweaters

8. Dolly Parton writes songs everywhere

9. The best houseplants for your home

10. Acupressure points to hit when you are stressed and overwhelmed