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“Once we stop craving for things to happen in a certain way.

we start transcending our attachments and stop creating resistance,

which allows everything to flow our way with more ease.”


Happy Friday! I realized the other day that we pretty much only have a month and a half left of 2020! I don’t know about you, but I am ready for this year to be over with. Sure, 2021 doesn’t look promising. We will still be dealing with the pandemic, but knowing that time is moving forward and we are hopefully a step closer to getting out is enough to make me optimistic about a new year. I have faith that things will get better soon.

It’s been a rainy week here in New York. After the beautiful 72 degree weather we had last weekend, it’s a bummer to be stuck indoors again. Normally I do not mind a little rain here and there, but this is my last weekend here in New York and want to enjoy the city. I will be heading back to Ohio on Monday for the remainder of the year, or at least until after Christmas. I know you can argue that I shouldn’t be traveling for the holidays, even if it is by road, but I have been doing my part in staying home. I have only seen my friends twice since February and both occasions have been at the park. I haven’t been to a restaurant or a bar, and I always wear my mask. Yesterday I went to get a COVID test to make sure I was ok to travel and my results came back negative. When I am home I will quarantine for 2 weeks and have no plans to see anyone other than my family.

It was my first time getting tested for COVID. I haven’t felt sick at all since the pandemic started, nor have I gathered in large groups, so never felt the need to get tested. I only went because I am heading home. I went to the nearest urgent care and waited in line for over 2 hours in the cold rain. It was awful. They were only allowing 4 people to enter the facility every 20 minutes. I get that this is a protocol and an effective way to stop the spread, but my goodness I was so cold. By the time I was almost to the door my teeth were chattering and my hands were bright red. At least I wasn’t the girl in front of me who was wearing shorts. Poor girl. The test itself took less than 10 minutes. I was so cold that the thermometer wasn’t working. They couldn’t take my temperature. I guess if you drink a glass of water before taking your temperature, the thermometer does not work, and since I was so cold it was as if I had water. Anyway, the test itself wasn’t bad. It does not hurt but it sure feels weird. They almost linger a beat too long which causes your eyes to water. I was nervous going into it, not knowing what to expect because I have heard so many different experiences about getting tested. I have to say I am glad I do not have to take it weekly and feel for those of you who may have to because of work. Overall I found it to be not that bad.

Besides my COVID test this past week I had another photoshoot, this time in Central Park. Most of the leaves in the park have changed and it’s truly stunning; bright yellows and deep reds. I am happy I was able to shoot there before heading home. Central Park was a little slow in turning this year, in my opinion. Also this past week I decorated my apartment for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I figured why not? I will not be here for the month of December and want to see my Christmas decor displayed. I only put out a few pieces; my silver Nutcrackers and gold mini trees. For Thanksgiving, I have a mini pumpkin and fresh sunflowers.

Speaking of the holidays, I have both my holiday decor and holiday attire on the blog for you to shop. Head to the shop section on the blog and click on either category. I also posted this Christmas decor guide on the blog yesterday- everything is under $100. I know we will not be celebrating the holidays as we did in the years past, but that doesn’t mean we can’t dress up or decorate!

As mentioned last weekend I went uptown to Central Park to The Great Lawn to celebrate my friend Sarah’s birthday. The weather was beautiful and everyone was in high spirits. No matter what your political opinions are, you couldn’t help but feel the merriment of the city; the cheers, the laughter, the happy faces. I haven’t seen the city this united and excited since we got our power back from Hurricane Sandy. After months of hardship, it was lovely to see the city happy again. Anyway, my friends and I celebrated Sarah’s birthday and had the best time! We drank way too much champagne and ended up having an epic dance party under the stars. It was one of those moments it felt good to be alive. Grateful for friends, joy, music, champagne, and life itself. It was exactly what I needed.

What I am watching: After two weeks of talking about it, I am finally watching The Queen’s Gambit. It definitely lives up to its hype. I’ve played chess before, I even owned a board when I was younger, but it wasn’t of interest. In fact, if you had asked me to watch a chess tournament I would probably dub it to be boring. Now I am googling chess tournaments to watch. I didn’t realize how interesting and intense chess could be. Also, Beth’s fashion is amazing and something worth seeing in itself. Besides the game of chess, the storyline is interesting. I never know what impulsive thing Beth may do next. I have not finished the series and will do so this weekend. I am excited to see what happens!!

If you see on IG that I am doing a “Style Me” Series on the TIVVIT app? TIVVIT is a shopping app that allows you to chit chat with people about fashion. You can help someone pick out a blouse to go with a skirt they have. Give them beauty tips on the best face mask. Or you can categorize all your favorite fall attire into one group for people to shop. Right now I am asking for help to style my favorite Tory Burch feathered shoes that I bought a few years ago for the holiday season. The outfit needs to be under $250. I will style the outfit for Instagram and tag the person who suggested it. So far I have had great responses with some cute outfit ideas!

This weekend I will be packing to head home for a month and will also be enjoying the city as much as possible. I have to admit I am sad to leave again for a long period of time. Do not get me wrong, I am excited to see my family and spend more time with them, I just hate leaving the city especially during the holidays. I know the city may not be as festive as years past, who knows if stores will have their famous window displays, but the city is still so magical during the holidays. It’s my favorite time of the year. I am sure if I were to stay I wouldn’t be doing anything special, so being at home is a better option. Still, I am sad to leave the city. Other than packing, I will be watching holiday movies, reading, working out, frolicking around the city, and do whatever else may come my way.

Have a wonderful weekend xo

1. Behind the scenes of Harry Styles Vogue photo shoot

2. A cute dress for Thanksgiving for under $40

3. The perfect top for the holiday season

4. These gorgeous stud earrings are $38

5. Chic Thanksgiving decor ideas

6. 27 dogs who have lived in the White House

7. The jewels and style of Grace Kelly

8. The hidden meaning behind the fashion in The Queen’s Gambit

9. Bars and restaurants with outdoor live music in NYC

10. Journal prompts for every emotion you may be feeling right now