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“As the route of your life path and your winks from God begin to emerge

like a rainbow out of the mists of your mind

you will be struck by the message of hope that it holds for you”

-Squire Rushnell

Happy Friday!! There is snow on the ground, garland around the fireplace, and lights hanging on every home. It’s finally the holiday season! As someone who loves Christmas, it’s been a little hard to get into the spirit of things. Without holiday parties, church on Christmas Eve, The Nutcracker, and other festivities, it took some time to get into the merriment of it all. But if I’ve learned anything from hours upon hours of watching Hallmark movies, Christmas is much more than carols and gifts, it’s about family, love, and joy. I am counting my blessings this holiday season and enjoying what I can with what I have and with whom.

It’s been lovely being back home in Ohio with my family. A silver lining of 2020 is how much more time I have spent with my family this year than I have in the past few years. Years from now when I look back at this time, 2020, I hope to only remember hanging out with my parents and not the sadness this year has brought us all. I know I am very fortunate that I have had time with my family, it does not go unnoticed or without gratitude.

This past week I have been hanging out at home watching holiday specials with my parents. We do not go anywhere or really do anything but spend time in each other’s company. I get up, work, maybe run an errand with my mom, work out, read a book, and watch tv. It’s nothing exciting, yet I am grateful for these moments. I have also spent time with my nieces, which words will never be able to describe how much I love them and thank God every day for them. They make life so much better. When it snowed this past week my 3-year-old niece was over for the afternoon. My parents, my niece, and I decided to go outside to play in the snow and ended up having one big snowball fight. It was so much fun! My mom also taught my niece how to make snow angels. We, unfortunately, did not make a snowman. Next time we will!

The main thing we did this past week was decorating the house. We went to the garden center to buy wreaths to put up around the house. We always have one in the family room and one in the living room. It’s looking very festive over at the Tate household. Rummaging through our old holiday decore was very nostalgic; gifts from my grandparents, terrible crafts created by my sister and me, holiday books that I loved to read as a kid, and sentimental things that remind me of my childhood. I think I am getting a little too nostalgic this year but 2020 has really made me reflect on the simple moments of life that I cherish or forgot to appreciate.

What I am watching: After weeks of people raving about it, I finally started watching The Undoing on HBO.  I am only on episode 3, so please no spoilers. I really do not know who it did— but do have 2 people whom I suspect. I do not want to give away who because I do not want to spoil anything. Anyway, it is SO good and I highly recommended watching it!

This weekend I will be watching the Ohio State game with my parents. Hopefully, the game will go on as scheduled. It feels as if a lot of college football games have been canceled due to COVID. It is very sad and unfortunate for these boys. Also this weekend we will be getting our Christmas Tree and later this week we will decorate it. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Have a wonderful weekend xo



1. Adore Banana Republic’s new campaign “Love The Present” series

2. This polka-dot dress is cute for the holidays

3. An affordable festive top for the holiday season 

4. A must-have classic wide brim fedora hat

5. All of the best 2020 holiday window displays in NYC

6.10 Royal family jewelry moments and their backstories

7. The mental health benefits of the holiday spirit

8. Why your hair does not hold a curl

9. 25 best Christmas cookie recipes to make

10. How to support Art Organizations