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“Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to”

Miracle on 34th Street

Happy Friday and happy Evermore day! Did you stay up past midnight to download Taylor Swift’s new album? I did not but purchased it on Apple Music the second I woke up without hearing a single note. As a T.Swift fan, I knew I would love it and I was correct. I have been spending most of the day listening to the album on repeat. I am not sure if I like it better than Folklore, the jury is still out. I think Folklore may be better. But Evermore is still a great album. So far my favorite songs are Willow (my #1 fav), Champagne Problems, Happiness, Tolerate It, Marjorie, and Long Story Short. Ok, I love the entire album!

This past week was all about baking Christmas cookies. Every year my mom bakes cookies for the entire family; aunts, uncle, cousins, grandma, etc. Each person requests a specific cookie they want and then everyone gets a variety. I always request GF no bake cookies. My parents and I went over to my sister’s house and spent two full days baking up a storm. My sister has two ovens so it was much easier and more efficient to do it there. It was a lot of fun having the whole family bake together. I can’t remember the last time that has happened. It was also wonderful to spend time with my nieces.

Besides being the cookie monster, my parents drove me around downtown Columbus and German Village last weekend to take a look around. So much has changed since I left Ohio, it’s nice to drive around and see what is new and what is still around. I was vastly disappointed in the lack of holiday decor downtown. I understand since we are in a pandemic and no one is really there, there is no reason to decorate. However, I still find it sad to see hardly any decor. Bah-humbug! German Village is festive looking and it was nice to see most houses and restaurants get into the holiday spirit.

What I am watching: I finished The Undoing and loved it! I highly recommened watching and try your best to stay away from spoilers. I luckily watched it spoiler-free and I basically suspected everyone of committing the crime. Go watch it! Besides murder mysteries, ’tis the season for holiday specials. We have watched A Holly Dolly Christmas, The Best of Broadway, Rockettes Special, Rockfeller Christmas Tree Lighting, and the Disney Holiday Sing-a-long. All a lot of fun and has put me in the holiday spirit.

What I bought this past week: I have been shopping up a storm buying Christmas gifts. I am not going to tell you yet what I bought, as I do not want to spoil the surprise. For myself, however, I bought a new book.; This Time Next Year. It’s about a guy and a girl whose (for their entire lives) path keep crossing– almost like God winks. I am a sucker for a cheesy rom-com type book, so am excited to devour it in the next few weeks.

This weekend we were planning on watching the Ohio State vs. Michigan game, but unfortunately it was canceled due to COVID. Such a bummer! This is really the only game I care about from the regular season. I can skip a game or two but have never missed a Michigan game. I am happy that OSU got the OK to play in the Big Ten Championship against Northwestern. These boys have worked so hard and fought hard to play this season, so they really do deserve it! Anyway, we have nothing else on the agenda this weekend except I am getting my hair done later today. I am thinking of chopping my hair! I know, scary! I haven’t had short hair in years. I don’t know how short I am going to go. I may end up only cutting a few inches, then gradually cut it to shoulder length. Or I may just go for it and cut off the 6 inches to my shoulders. We will see! Also, this weekend is my grandmother’s birthday. My grandmother is turning 98 years old! 98!! How incredible! She is pretty healthy for a 98-year-old; still has her memory, can mostly walk without her cane, is still sharp and is quick to make a joke, can still bend down to pick things up and carry things, and still plays the piano. I want to be just like her when I grow up.

Have a wonderful weekend xo



1. Love this interview with Dolly Parton

2. This beautiful blue dress is perfect for the holidays

3. A cute lace sweater for $39

4. Adding these bow slippers to my Christmas list

5. Laughing at Jimmy Fallon’s 2020 The Musical 

6. Swooning over these pre-fall looks from powerhouse brands

7. If you are missing The Nutcracker this year

8. All the references and Easter eggs in Taylor Swifts new album Evermore

9. Pantone has announced the color(s) of 2021

10. Yummy gluten free Christmas cookies to make this year