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2021 intentions

A few weeks ago I stumbled across my 2020 goals. I read through my hopeful aspirations and realized I only achieved 1 out of 15. Thank you COVID. I looked at my goals and felt a wave of disappointment and frustration. Then I looked at my intentions for the year and noticed I either achieved most of it or am working on it. When I speak of intentions, I am talking about who I am as a person; how I want to be, feel, and act. The person I want to be in the present moment. My goals are for the future; what I am trying to achieve through career, travel, etc. If last year taught us anything, it’s that we can not control what happens, we can only control ourselves. Only I can give myself peace and happiness, and the choice to see the silver lining when things may not work out the way I planned.

Normally I make year long goals, but for 2021 I want to start focusing on monthly goals. This way I can adapt to outside circumstances. Last year I completely gave up on my goals. Or rather my goals changed to: get up, get out of sweats, do what you can. In that case I, for the most part, nailed my 2020 goals. This year I will focus on what I know I can do for the month to continue to reach my ultimate goals. Those goals including growing my following on social media, growing my blog views, growing my LTK following, and getting brand partnerships.

As for intentions, I have a few new ones to add while continuing to work on previous ones. Usually I set a theme for the year. I did not do that for 2020, which probably should have told me what laid ahead. If I could go back and give 2020 a theme it would be family, stillness, faith, and self love. My 2019 theme was courage, love, and experience. I believe that was exactly what it entailed. My theme for 2021 is trust, limitless, become, and love. To go a little deeper, here are my 2021 intentions and goals.

Limitless: I am my own worst enemy when it comes to being critical of myself. It’s the virgo in me. In the areas of my life where I doubt myself, I want to start believing that I am limitless. I can do it, I can have this, I can become this, I can achieve anything and everything. Usually when I have a goal in mind I am quick to say- well I don’t have this or that or it won’t work out because of xyz. I am not saying I will go into things with an unrealistic approach, but to believe that it is possible without knowing how I can achieve it. Letting go of the how and fully wrap myself in the end result. Over the years I’ve been really working on staying positive, and I think for the most part I am a pretty positive person. But we all have days where we get down on ourselves and our insecurities rise when something good happens to us. I want to continue to remind myself that I am limitless. I am capable of having and doing whatever I want.

Trust: I have always been a religious person. I grew up in a church that was started by my grandparents. I still continue to go to church and have a strong faith in God. In 2020, however, my relationship with God strengthened even more. I started to surrender to His plans and not mine. It’s still something I struggle with, letting go of control. I have to remind myself daily that God has a plan for me and I need to trust it. 2021 I want to trust, to believe, that things will finally fall into place. That everything will work out and God will continue to bless me even when I think it’s hopeless. To trust and believe that I will achieve my goals, that I will get married and have kids someday, that I will succeed in my career, that I will have all that I desire or something better will come along.  That if something isn’t working out now, that doesn’t mean it never will. Trust in God, trust in the Universe to provide. “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” Mark 11:24

Become: I want to embody, to manifest, to become that which I desire. If I want love then I need to become love. If I want abundance, then believe it’s already here. To know that I am good enough. To fully embrace my self-worth. To finally get everything that I have been praying for for so many years. Become the person I want to be. 2021 is the year I get everything I desire.

Love: I think love will always be a theme for me. And right now we all need more love in our lives. I want to continue to love myself, even more than I ever thought possible. To remind myself that I am good enough, I am worthy, I am deserving To continue to love the people in my life; I know I need to do a better job and showing it. To love the people who are no longer in my life; they are part of my journey and each provided a lesson. To love those who are yet to appear in my life; grateful for the people God is placing in my life who are mean to be there. Most importantly, to love my life and myself fully, even on days I feel less than. I want to be the one who spreads love and uplifts others. And I never want to be afraid to show and never hide my love for someone or something.