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“God is within her, she will not fall”

-Psalms 46:5

Happy Friday!! I am currently on my way back to New York! Although I am sad to leave my family, I am excited to get back to the city and back to life. It’s been a wonderful few months here in Columbus and I am very grateful I was able to spend so much time with my family. I know how fortunate I am that I have been able to do so when so many have lost loved ones or have not been able to see family. Hopefully this year we will all be able to hug again.

This past week I was finally able to stop by my friend Christy’s new store Reuse Revolution. It is located in the new North Market in Dublin off of Riverside Dr. I am so impressed what they have done with the area. It’s been a few years since I have been in that area and had no idea how much they have redone. There are a lot of new shops and restaurants, as well as offices and hotels. Anyway, Reuse Revolution sells sustainable, eco-friendly products. I ended up buying these storage bags, these hair ties, and this tongue cleaner. My mom bought this face lotion. It was so nice to stop by the store and finally see Christy. I have missed being around friends and chatting up a storm. I am beyond proud of her for all that she has accomplished with RR!

My mom and I attempted to make chocolate bombs the other day. We bought some for Christmas at the Chocolate Cafe in Upper Arlington, and really liked it. They are delicious but rich. My mom ended up ordering a kit, so we spent Tuesday afternoon trying to make chocolate bombs. I think for our first time we did a decent job. We didn’t wait long enough for the icing to cool before pouring it on top of the balls, which made one of them collapse. We also made one where the sides didn’t match up properly, which caused a hole. I won’t be able to try again, but I know my mom is planning on giving it another go next week. The process in creating the bombs is not difficult, it’s making sure they are equal in length and thickness that takes trial and error.

I spent Wednesday afternoon with my sister and the kids. I love being around them and am really going to miss them. I love nothing more than to hold my 1 month old niece and playing with my 3 year old niece. They really make my life so much better. I can’t wait until I have kids of my own one day.

Like the rest of you I watched in horror as people ran amok in the Capitol. I do not want to keep rehashing what has been said by everyone in America, but I am sad and disgusted that this happened. The insurrection was uncalled for and didn’t accomplish anything except stroking individual ego. I hope the people who destroyed, looted, and took photos of themselves are charged. This isn’t America. This isn’t how we want America to become. I hope no matter what your political beliefs are that you can agree that yesterday was an embarrassment and a travesty to this country.

What I bought: I wanted comfy slippers to wear around my apartment. I ended up getting these bow slippers in white. The other item I bought was this maxi dress. I think it would make for a great house dress during the winter and can be worn out and about in the spring and the fall.

What I watched: The Bachelor started and I am excited for a season of Matt James. To be honest I was on the fence in watching. The only reason why I wanted to watch was because I like Matt and wanted to get to know him for more than just being Tyler Cameron’s friend. The reason I didn’t want to watch it is because I wasn’t sure if I could tolerate a bunch of 20-something women being petty and immature. After the maturity and vulnerability that we witness in Tayshia’s season, I didn’t know if I could take going back to the debacle the show is known for. I decided to give the first episode a chance and will be sticking with season as of now. I enjoyed watching Matt and I already like a few contestants like Abigail. I loved that Matt was super nervous about the process because he has never been in it before, how he prayed before the evening started, and how he wants to be a great example for not only fans of the show but POC as the first black male bachelor. I am not convinced Matt is ready to find love, but it seems like this season is going to be good.

This weekend as mentioned I will be back in New York settling in / unpacking. I’ll probably just relax all weekend, most likely walk around town to get fresh air and to see the city.

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1. Loved this interview with Lauren Santo Domingo co-founder of Moda Operandi

2. Oh I want this chic wrap coat

3. Love this lavender puffy fleece sweater

4. How beautiful are these blue mules

5. Looking forward to this documentary about Audrey Hepburn

6. Will these over-the-top runway dresses be worn on the Red Carpet this year

7. Bridgerton’s costume designer on the show’s best outfits

8. Mantras to use for your best self

9. Easy home care and maintenance tips

10. Take these IG Story dance classes