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maxi dress // earrings c/o // vase // side table // art

There may be a winter storm happening outside, but inside my apartment it’s starting to look like spring. I don’t know about you, but I am starting to get tired of my sweats. I am ready to bring back housedresses. Sure on days like today when the ground is covered in snow I want to throw on the comfiest of clothes and wrap myself with my blanket. However, this does not mean I can’t start shopping for housedresses to wear this spring and summer season.

What I love about wearing housedresses is that not only are you comfortable but you look chic while lounging. I recently bought this nap dress form Hill House and can not wait to wear it. It’s a little too chilly outside to wear it at the moment, but that’s why I have transitional spring housedresses to wear until then. This floral maxi dress is lovely to wear not only while you lounge in the house but out and about to any occasion. You can wear it to a baby shower or to summer evening rooftop party. You can wear it to work or while you run around town completing your to-do list of errands. It’s a versatile dress that makes for a staple piece in your closet.


maxi dress // earrings c/o // vase // side table // art