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“know your worth, it’s all that matters”


Happy Friday! Surprise I am in Ohio! I had to make a last minute trip back home for personal reasons. I drove home last Sunday and will be heading back to New York tomorrow. I missed the big snow storm in NYC, which was a bummer, but was able to enjoy the snow here in Columbus. And I do believe I will be back in time for the other snow storm heading towards New York soon.

Since I have been back in Columbus for a week I have been spending time with my family. I played in the snow with my 4 year old niece a few times. We made a little snowman, threw snow balls at each other (she would have me make a snowball and hand it to her so she could throw it at me….), hunted for bury treasure, and made snow angels. Indoors we pretended to make an apple cake– the recipe included one cracked egg, then you get a trophy. I think she is on to something here. Anyway, I loved spending every minute playing with her. I also got to spend more time with my new niece who is only 2 months old. She is now smiling, making noises, and wiggles like no other. She can’t sit still. Once she learns how to crawl and walk, she will be flying around the room.

Other than spending more quality time with my nieces, I can’t say anything else truly exciting happened. I’ve just enjoyed spending time with my parents. I have spent more time with them this past year than I have in 4 years. It’s been really nice, but I do joke and say the next time I see them will be 2022. I need to get my life back together in New York, ha!

What I am watching: I haven’t started a new series but I have seen a few really good movies that I highly recommend. The first being Justin Timberlake’s new movie Palmer. He does an amazing job in it and the movie is very sweet. It’s about second chances and accepting people for who they are. It’s not a sad movie but does pull at your heart strings. The other movie we watched was The Trial of the Chicago 7 on Netflix. It’s about the historical clash between protestors and police during the 1969 Democratic Convention in Chicago. I knew that there was a riot during the convention but didn’t know much about it. I also knew that the police back in the 60’s of Chicago were, well, not the greatest. Anyway, the movie is about the trial and the complete unfairness of it. My dad grew up in Chicago and was in 8th grade at the time this was all happening. He remembers most of it and it was cool to hear him talk about what it was like back then. Of course as an 8th grader he wasn’t in the middle of it all, but he remembers watching it on the news and my grandparents discussing the trial.

What I bought: I went on a little shopping spree this past week. The first item I bought was this beautiful mint green wool coat. I wasn’t looking for a new coat, but once I saw how beautiful the color was I just had to have it. I also bought this white blouse that I am hoping looks good on me. I am 50/50 on whether or not it will fit around my bust area. Please send thoughts and prayers my way. I think it would be a cute blouse to wear now with jeans and a great top for Valentine’s Day. Then wear it throughout spring and summer with a skirt or shorts. Next I bought the popular feather trimmed pajamas in pink, because why not? Life is too short.

As mentioned I will be heading back to New York tomorrow, so will be spending all day on the road. Sunday I will most likely relax and of course watch the Super Bowl. I honestly do not care about either team. I guess if I had to pick one it would be the Buccaneers, only because they haven’t been to the Super Bowl since 2002. Rooting for the underdog in a way, even though Tom Brady is anything but. Usually I watch only to see the halftime show, but I have to be honest and say that I think The Weeknd is a boring choice. Sure some of his songs are fun and upbeat, but he isn’t JLO and Shakira. He may prove me wrong!

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1.New interior design trend: rustic vogue

2. I really want this floral dress

3. A cute blouse for spring

4. A pretty floral scarf

5. Innovative and inspiring female founders to watch

6. How to start your day feeling less stressed

7. Loved reading about Megan Roup’s self care routine

8. Easy DIY Valentine’s Day decorations

9. The best Super Bowl commercials of all time

10. 58 small businesses to support across America