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“That’s the most beautiful thing in the world: when two people become fluent in choosing one another.”


Happy Friday, happy Valentine’s Day, happy three-day weekend, and happy Taylor Swift Taylor’s Version release day! There is a lot going on right now! I will be celebrating by blaring ‘Love Story’ on repeat all weekend. It is one of my top favorite Taylor Swift songs, so I am very happy she released it today.

Besides giving more of my money to Taylor Swift, this past week was actually a busy one. After a last minute trip to Ohio for a week, I arrived back in New York last Saturday. It’s been bizarre spending so much time back and forth between Ohio and New York. When I am in either location it feels like I never left. It also feels like I am having my cake and eating it too. I get to spend a lot of time with my family, yet still live life as a New Yorker. It’s been nice to be able to do both, but it’s time to stay here in the city full-time.

This past week I finally had my hair done. My colorist moved back to Texas (still mourning my loss) and I had to find someone new. If you are a blonde you know the hardship of this. Going through the trial and error of finding a colorist that you love can be a scary journey. I’ve had my hair color burnt orange by someone who wasn’t listening to want I wanted (I wanted bright blonde), someone who once gave me the Rachel haircut after I told him I only wanted a trim, and I’ve had highlights that look like my hair was never touched. And being a blonde in New York is expensive, so you don’t want pay $300 plus for a semi-permanent bad hair day. Anyway, I desperately needed my hair done before my photos and took a leap of faith and had the salon I have been going to, assign me a colorist. I trusted the salon and figured since the person knew the colorist I had been going to for 4 years, she or he would have an understanding of my colorist pattern and mixture. I also took to IG Stories for help and got a lot of great recommendations. I figured I would go to the colorist the salon recommended and get decent to great highlights. If I didn’t like her I had other options. I ended up liking the colorist they recommended. Unfortunately she is about to go on maternity leave so I will most likely will have to find someone else. Life as a blonde is not always fun.

As mentioned I had a shoot with my photographer. I’ve been doing a lot of my photos in my apartment since it’s been snowing and cold lately. I can’t wait until the weather warms up so I can take photos without worrying whether or not my photographer or myself will get frostbite. I’m excited to show the photos we took and it was nice to chit-chat with Lauren.

Are you doing anything fun for Valentine’s Day? I will most likely celebrate at home. I still have yet to go to a restaurant; haven’t been out to dinner since the pandemic started. This is something I want to do soon. I know NYC has opened indoor dining, but I am not sure how comfortable I am yet with dining indoors, especially when there is a new variant on the loose. Either way I will be celebrating Valentine’s Day someway, somehow. I sent both of my nieces VDay cards and my parents a box of chocolates. I find gifts for Valentine’s Day to be a little unnecessary except for cards, flowers, and of course chocolates. I do not need my boyfriend to buy me a candle. I guess this is my love language preference. I think it’s more important to spend the quality time together, make the date special somehow. It doesn’t have to be a Bachelor style jet off in a hot-air balloon to a picnic on the beach type date, just something romantic and special. Heck, right now I think a walk in the park is romantic. There is not much to do.

What I am watching: I started the new Walker series on The CW. I first was refusing to after hearing they didn’t have the same theme song as the original series. However, my sister and brother-in-law started watching the reboot and said it was good, so I caved and gave it a try. I have to say that I do like it! This weekend I am going to watch the new Britney Spear’s documentary. I was already on the #freebritney train, so I don’t need a documentary to convince me that she needs out of this conservatorship. Still I want to watch and join everyone else in getting mad at all of the people who have wronged Britney.

What I bought this past week: Hill House launched their newest collection The English Garden.  I jumped at the chance to get a nap dress. I have been eyeing them for a while now, but wanted one for spring and summer rather than the winter patterns. I bought the Ellie Nap dress in pastel trellis. The website says to order a size down, so I bought an XS. Hopefully it fits and if not, hopefully the small will still be in stock. Fingers crossed! I am so excited to wear it this spring and summer! Another item that I bought was Cameran Eubanks new books One Day You’ll Thank Me. I am listening to it on audiobook– I enjoy biographies and celebrity self help books on audio because they usually narrate it themselves and you can get a sense of their emotions. I have been a fan of Cameran’s since her days on the Real World San Diego and of course loved her on Southern Charm. The book is about her journey as a new mother. Discussing things that are taboo to talk about– what women really go through during labor and as a new mother. As someone who wants to be a mother and have kids someday, I find it pretty insightful. Sure I have my sister and my mother to help me once I do have kids, but it’s nice to hear from someone else who isn’t sugarcoating anything and also not judging. If you are a new mom, expecting, or want to be a mom some day I highly suggest this. It makes you feel as if you are not alone in certain struggles and decisions.

Although the is a long weekend, I will be staying in New York. I have no plans except to watch movies, work out, and celebrate Valentine’s Day. I haven’t been able to go on my long walks because it’s been so cold out. I miss doing it. I am hoping the weather permits a nice long stroll around the city.

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1. Best marriage advice from couples who’ve been married for over 40 years

2. This cute dress is perfect to transition into spring

3. Oh I want these white jeans

4. Your new everyday mules

5. Hill House’s Founder Nell Diamond on building her brand

6. How to reset this spring based on your love language

7. Year of the Ox meaning and predictions 

8. The best at-home Valentine’s Day plans

9. Your next romance read based on your favorite Rom-Com

10. 30 recipes for Valentine’s Day brunch in bed