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“Self love is the highest frequency that attracts everything you desire”

Happy Friday!! It’s been feeling like spring here in New York and I am loving every minute. It so nice to walk around outside, and in a light jacket may I add. I am hoping it stays this way throughout the weekend. It makes walking around the city that much more enjoyable.

I finally have a social life again… at least for this past week! Emily was in town to finish moving her stuff out of NYC. We met Wednesday evening for dinner at Misi in Williamsburg. It’s an Italian restaurant located right by the water, and you see a great view of the Manhattan bridge. Misi is NOT gluten friendly unfortunately. I ended up having to get two appetizers. I got the grilled artichokes and fennel salad. Honestly I did not like the fennel salad and barely touched it. I did, however, like the grilled artichokes. I should have just stuck with that for my dinner. Emily got a pasta dish, I forget which one. She seemed to enjoy it! Anyway, it felt SO good to be out and to be social again. This was the first time had been to a restaurant in over a year. I wasn’t that nervous, maybe due to the vaccine rollout and knowing that majority of people are doing their part to wear masks. Misi did a great job making sure everyone was safe and healthy. They tested our temperature upon arrival. They had us write down our information for contact tracing. And they asked us to wear a mask every time the waiter was around us. Of course we were perfectly ok with doing it all.

Besides enjoying my first night out on the town, it also was great to be with a friend. The last time I saw any of my friends was this past November. Emily and I haven’t seen each other in almost 2 years which is wild to think how fast time has flown by. She left New York about 2 years ago and because of COVID hasn’t been able to be back to visit. It was wonderful to catch up with her and just hang out. It was exactly what I needed!

We met again for dinner last night, along with a few others, at Il Fiorista in NoMad. I have actually been there before for a event– Draper James to be exact. Although I was there for an event, I did not get the chance to taste their delicious food. Their menu is a prix fixe with a choice of either a 3 or 4 course meal. We decided on the 4 course meal because we wanted dessert. The food was delicious and I was able to have a gluten free option on every course– even the dessert!! I had the steak as my main course and it was the best steak I have ever had. I had the best time last night just laughing and catching up with everyone. Happy to hear that my friends are doing ok despite everything that has gone on.

Speaking of being social, last weekend I decided to head to the High Line Nine galleries to look at a few of the exhibitions that are currently going on. The main reason why I went was because I wanted to see the Modern Pressed Flower exhibit. Tricia, the artist, picks wild flowers from her garden. She then dries, arranges, and presses the flowers to create her artwork. Her pieces are stunning and even though they are photographs of the flowers, they look real. The main attraction for me was the floral Steinway piano- would love to have that in my house. Anyway, little did I know prior to attending the exhibition that Tricia created the floral pattern for the Oscar de la Renta fall ’21 collection. I have been swooning over the collection and was blown away that Tricia was the one who created the print. How serendipitous that I couldn’t stop looking at the collection and two days later I meet the artist without even trying. After I chatted with Tricia I walked over to the Jake Poser exhibition and got to chat with him about his art work. His work is stunning! Both modern and abstract. He uses chipboards to create shapes and figures within the piece. He also creates sweatshirts and totes to purchase. I loved chatting with him and learning about his design process. Jake’s exhibit was in the same room as The Old Yew, a landscape and garden company. I went home with a new plant- a calathea. I’ve become a plant lady.

What I am watching: Ted Lasso! After Jason Sudeikis won a Golden Globe for best actor in a comedy I decide to check out the show. I absolutely loved it and can not wait for season 2. It’s subtle humor, quick witted, and quirky. I adored every character….well besides Jamie. Although it is a comedy it is also very heartfelt. I got teary-eyed during a few scenes that were really touching. I highly suggest watching!

Did you watch the Oprah interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? It’s all I have thought about and talked about this past week. I know we all have our own opinions on the matter and it’s been a vicious conversation on social media. I think everyone in the situation needs to take accountability for their own actions. I think the Royal family could have done a better job in protecting Meghan and supporting Harry. But I also think Meghan is to blame for not preparing herself and not following protocol when told what it was. I hundred percent do not believe she did not know anything about the Royal family growing up, nor her claims that her mom didn’t know that Diana did any interviews. The whole world knew about the Diana ‘Panorama’ interview. I mean, I was 10 years old when it aired and I knew about it. Everything else that was discussed I believe is a he said, she said type of situation where there are 3 truths– Harry and Meghan’s truth, the Royal family’s truth, and the actual truth. None of us will truly ever know what exactly is the truth. I do believe the racial portion is true and that there was a conversation that was held. And it’s very unfortunate and awful that it happened. I also believe the Royals could have stood up for Meghan against the media’s grotesque character assassination and against the racism she was facing. It sickens me how cruel people can be. I vehemently support Meghan coming forward with her struggle with mental health. That was really brave of her and probably helped a lot of people currently struggling. Whether you believe her or not, you need to support her. By not supporting her it’s more damaging to the people around you who are privately and publicly struggling. Meghan will never read your comments, but the people in your life who are struggling will and it will do so much damage. Support and believe the people who come forward. Although I very much enjoyed the tell all interview and learning Royal family secrets, I do believe it was unnecessary. It was airing out family dirty laundry, which none of us should be privy to. But I understand their want to clear the air on a lot of the rumors that have circulated. At the end of the day this is Meghan and Harry’s choice and no one else. We have no say in what they do with their lives, all we can do is let them live how they want to live. Hopefully they all find peace and harmony amongst the family. Honestly, the only person I truly feel sorry for in this situation is Harry. He has everything to lose. On one side he loses his country, his family, his duties. On the other side he loses his wife and his child. He doesn’t win in this scenario and I think both camps need to understand this. I hope Harry reconciles his relationship with his Charles and especially with William. I want to see the brother duo back together.

This weekend I am going to the Geometric Properties exhibition at the ARTECHOUSE. It’s an audio and visual installation that is a combination of math, nature, and architecture. It should be interesting!  Besides the exhibit I have nothing else planned except to hopefully enjoy the nice weather and relax at home.

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1. Love this interview with Diane von Furstenberg

2. A cute dress for Easter

3. Want these high-waist shorts

4. Love these bow flats

5. 26 homes owned by the Royal family

6.Who is performing and presenting at the 2021 Grammys

7. The best plants to grow indoors

8.30 Easter table decorating ideas

9. 6 tips to get a head start on spring cleaning

10. Advice for reframing overwhelming thoughts