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pajamas // side table // blue vase / gingham vase // painting 

With the spring season comes many rainy days. This past Sunday the rain never stopped, making it a stay-at-home watching movies all day kind of day. I didn’t mind it, I find the rain on Sunday’s to be peaceful. I got to wear my cute pink feathered pajamas and lounged on the couch. I know we are all tired of lounging around the house. I, myself, have a hard time doing nothing these days. But I will take any chance I can get to wear my feathered pajamas.


pajamas // side table // blue vase / gingham vase // painting 

When I am not treating myself to a day of movies, popcorn and feathered pajamas, I usually wear a matching sweat set or housedress. I think we have all mastered the stay-at-home look by now, but every once in a while I like to elevate my at-home look by dressing up a little. Still there are plenty of days where I can barely match my sweatshirt to my sweatpants. What I need is new loungewear for the spring. Something that will elevate my day, make me feel better knowing that I at least look put together when I am a bump on a log. Here are some loungewear and pajamas sets to spend your rainy days this spring season.