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jumpsuit- on sale– also found here // white sneakers // circle bag // headband

One clothing item I love to wear year round is a jumpsuit. Whether I am running errands, working from home, or out to brunch with friends I reach for a jumpsuit.  A couple of weekends ago it was nice enough outside to wear my new floral jumpsuit (currently on sale) while running errands. I took a walk through the park, picked out some flowers to take home, and browsed through a few stores. I felt comfortable running around in my jumpsuit as if I were wearing sweats, but still looked put together.


jumpsuit- on sale– also found here // white sneakers // circle bag // headband

While I was walking through the park I saw groups of people gathered together enjoying a picnic. It made me long to do the same. I imagined myself wearing my floral jumpsuit while sitting in the park on a blanket eating snacks, drinking wine, and catching up with friends. I immediately texted a few of my friends the typical lets get together in the park to catch up. I already have the perfect outfit to wear.