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“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”


Happy Friday and happy 3-day weekend! It’s been a wonderful week filled with friends and more Friends. I am trying to get back into the groove and socialize again. I have a few get togethers on the calendar in the coming weeks that I am excited about and am very much looking forward to. I’ve been reaching out to whatever friend that I have left in the city (majority of my friends moved) to meet for brunch or drinks. Time to mix and mingle again!

This past Tuesday I met with a few friends for dinner at The Smith in NoMad. I have to say the city was buzzing. We had a hard time finding a reservation and luckily got one at The Smith. Thank God we did because it was packed and very busy- I don’t think we would have gotten in if we didn’t have a reservation. I am happy to see that New York is back and how busy it was for a Tuesday night — wonderful for the restaurant business– but I do not miss having to fight over finding reservations. Anyway, I had the best time with my friends! A few I have not seen since November when we got together for a picnic in the park to celebrate a birthday. And one, who was at dinner with us, I have not seen in 2 years! It was so lovely to catch up on the happenings of each others lives and to laugh again! I miss laughing with friends.

Do you have any plans for Memorial Day weekend? I am staying in New York. I do not have any set plans but hopefully meeting with friends for a drink at some point. It is suppose to rain all weekend which is such a bummer. I wanted to go to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. I guess I will just have to find indoor activities to do instead. The new Cruella movie comes out today, maybe I will go to the theater to see it– would be nice to be in a movie theater again. I wish I was heading someplace with a beach or at least a pool. I wasn’t sure how comfortable I would feel traveling, but now that the weekend is here I feel like I would have been ok. I will live vicariously through everyones beach photos pretending I am there.

What I am watching: The Friends Reunion!!! Like many of you I have been waiting for this moment for 17 years!! If you’ve been following me for a while then you know that Friends is my absolute favorite TV show of all time. I watch it everyday- mostly while I eat dinner or before I go to bed. It’s my comfort, my security blanket. Friends has gotten me through the lowest of lows in my life by making me laugh. It will forever be special to me on so many levels. I loved the reunion show that aired yesterday! I had the biggest smile on my face and tears in my eyes. I’ve seen a few critical comments about the reunion, but I thought it was well done. Although I could have done without Lady Gaga singing Smelly Cat. They should have just stuck only with Lisa Kudrow. She even looked as if she felt awkward during it. Anyway, I loved when the cast looked through the set, revisited the scripts at the table read, chatted about their time on the show, and the surprise appearances of guest stars of the show– especially the Geller parents and Janice! I loved the whole thing!! And I will be rewatching it 10 more plus times.

What I bought: I did not buy anything new this week but Memorial Day Sales are happening! I have been looking through some of my favorite brands to shop and have my eye on a few items. My post yesterday list some of the best sales that are happening this weekend and a few must-have items to shop.

As mentioned I am staying in the city for the long Memorial Day Weekend. I have tickets to the Guggenheim– I haven’t been to the Guggenheim in probably 8 years, so very much past due for a visit. I am hoping for a break in the weather so I can lay out in the park or at least go running. Last Sunday I laid out for about an hour and it felt so nice to be outside. I now have a nice little tan to kick off the summer.

Thank you to the men and women who have served, are currently serving, and especially to those that have sacrifice and lost their lives fighting for this country. Grateful for the freedom we have because of you.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend xo


1. 40 of the best outfits from Friends

2. A great dress for the 4th of July

3. A cute ruffle top for the summer

4. Eyeing these classic ballet flats – on sale

5. So excited for this collaboration to launch

6. Everything that is new and notable in the Hamptons

7. Slim Aarons life as an army war photographer

8. Dreaming of living in one of these beach houses 

9. The benefits of matcha 

10. Enjoyed this interview with Cruella costume designer Jenny Beavan