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“You are absolutely capable of creating the life you can’t stop thinking about.

Stop living in your head. It’s time to make your dreams happen.”


Happy Friday! It has finally cooled down a little here in New York. I am loving the 60/70 degree weather, oppose to the humid 90 degrees we have been experiencing these past few weeks. I am ready to get outside and enjoy the weekend.

Last week I was struggling with anxiety, but I am feeling great now. I have to appreciate the lows, it makes the highs feel 10x better. I am grateful to be feeling good again and having inner peace. The breaking point was when I watched Two Hearts on Netflix last weekend. I thought it was going to be a cute rom-com that would make me feel good. For the most part it does give you the lovey-dovey rom-com tropes that makes you feel giddy and hopeful. I didn’t, however, expect to end up being circled in a ball hysterically sobbing. But I am thankful for it because I got out all of my emotions, I needed the release. By the way, the storyline is good and worth watching, just know you will be crying. Also the acting is terrible, especially from Jacob Elordi. Sorry but it’s true. Looking back on the movie it really ends up having a great life lesson; that things happen for a reason. The movie is based on a true story.

Besides crying over a movie, I started working on an exciting new project for Blush and Blooms. I am creating a newsletter that will be sent out once a week!! I have been thinking about creating a newsletter for YEARS, this is long overdue! I am working with a developer on creating a template and will launch by the end of summer– hopefully way before that. You can sign up now to receive the newsletter once it launches. In the newsletter I am going to have exclusive content; outfits of the day, top 10 items to shop, the biggest sales going on, giveaways, and more. I am very excited for this additional piece to my blog and can’t wait for you all to read it!! Sign up here.

Another exciting news to share– I am now the brand ambassador for Marta Scarampi!! For those of you who are new to Marta Scarampi, they are a women’s fashion brand from Italy that focuses on timeless pieces. They are “slow fashion” meaning the garments take a little longer to make as they create each order from scratch to avoid over-ordering. Usually brands order so much fabric that a lot of it goes to waste. With slow fashion and made on-demand, they are only ordering the fabric that is needed. Their clothes are high quality and worth the wait– takes about 2 weeks! They have the most beautiful capes that I can’t wait to get my hands on this fall. Right now I am focusing more on their seasonal summer dresses. As part of the BA program they gave me a complimentary dress– this blue cherrie one. Which I think would be perfect for the 4th of July. It also comes in white and red. Take 10% off dresses only with code: BLUSHANDBLOOMS-MS.

What I am watching: The Bachelorette is back! I have to be honest and say I wasn’t sure if I was going to watch this season. After the disastrous drama-filled season of Matt’s, I was very much over the franchise. I do like Katie and my feelings were not towards her, but of Bachelor Nation in itself. It was so hard to watch 20 something girls being mean to one another and only wanting to party, after a mature season of men in their 30s during Clare and Tayshia’s season. Still I had nothing better to do or watch so I gave it another try. I have to say I enjoyed night one. Katie is quirky and confident in who she is and I loved that about her. I mean she made out with a guy in a cat costume and was very into it. That would be a no from me. I also think the contestant seem like a great group of guys. There will definitely be drama, but I am hoping the season will go back to focusing on relationships instead. That is what I watch it for– the connections.

What I bought: I went on a little bit of a shopping spree. I ran out of eye cream (ahh the horror!!) and bought my favorite from BeautyCounter. Next I bought this dress for a possible 4th of July outfit. I also bought this ruffle neck dress as another possible 4th of July outfit. Last but not least I bought this white off- shoulder dress for the summer.

*If you are looking for Father’s Day gift ideas shop here.

This weekend I am going to a floral festival! L.E.A.F created a number of installations around Meatpacking, sorta like a scavenger hunt. They used one million flowers to create these installations and I can not wait to see each one. The festival is free and it’s in support of all of the talented florist in the city. There is about 100 florist participating in the festival. I am very excited to see all of the beautiful creations! Besides looking at florals all weekend, I will be dancing and sculpting with Dancebody at the Wknd Nation pop-up event. I can NOT wait to dance!! I have been dying to get back into the studio to do the movements full out. I am tired of running into my closet, haha! And I also feel bad about jumping around, disturbing my neighbor below me. Other than that I will be going on a few runs, stopping by the bookstore to purchase something new to read, and watching In The Heights! I am excited to see the movie as I hear great things about it. I am not going to see in theaters but will watch it on HBO Max.

Have a wonderful weekend xo



1. Looking back at the fashion from Younger

2. Eyeing this white bow dress (also comes in blue)

3. The perfect skirt for the 4th of July (use code SKIMM for 20% off)

4. A cute headband for the summer

5. Excited for Hill House Home launch of ready-to-wear apparel

6. Introducing the term: tenniscore

7.  I want a greenhouse in my backyard

8. The art and science of being lucky

9. Is FOMO back?

10. 30 things to do with your friends when you get bored


Current sales:

Tuckernuck 20% off code SKIMM- today’s the last day

Shopbop extra 25% off sale

J.Crew 30% off summer picks

Brooks Brothers 25% off everything for him

Mango 30% off everything

Glossier 20% off everything

Ann Taylor 50% of everything

Banana Republic 50% off everything

Revolve up to 60% off</p