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Dress (on sale!) // white sandals // rattan earrings // rattan clutch (similar)

When I look at my closet I see mostly 4 main colors: pink, blue, black, and white. While shopping for outfits I am always drawn to these particular colors. Sure sometimes I’ll pick out a yellow dress or a green top, maybe brown boots or a grey coat. Throughout my life, however, I have consistently chosen clothing between these 4 particular colors. Black is clearly worn throughout the fall and winter, while the lighter colors are chosen during the sunshine seasons. You may be thinking, duh, everyone does this- and for the most part that is true. But I do live in NYC and there are definitely people who wear black all year round.

Did you know that there is a psychology behind why we choose to like and wear certain colors? Why a color may be our favorite but others may have a distain for it? One of the main take aways in research shows that the colors we choose represent our personalities, and it can change as we age. Blue used to be my favorite color growing up and now as an adult I’ve added pink. I picked blue as a kid because it was the color of my eyes as well as my grandfather’s favorite color. It made me feel close to him, especially after he passed.

So why all of a sudden as an adult did I choose to add pink to stand in as my top favorite color alongside blue? One can argue that pink represents love. As an adult I am more focused on love; finding someone to spend my life with, the love I give myself, appreciating the love I give and receive from family and friends, as well as love of community and my interests. I am focused on all forms of love. Now blue represents serenity, comfort, and loyalty. As mentioned above the reason for liking the color blue was much more superficial and based on connection, but maybe it was much more subconscious than that. I had a pretty great childhood but there were still the aches and pains of growing up. I also had two traumatic experiences as a baby- one during my birth and the other when I was 18 months old. I also deal with depression and anxiety. Blue calms the mind. Even as an adult I still feel very connected to the color, but pink makes up most of my aesthetics.

side note: did you know that red is associated with passion and anger because it takes longer for our eyes to process it than other colors? When we see colors our eyes send a signal to the brain to interpret. Since red is harder to process our bodies create more hormones to do so. The same amount of hormones that we produce for passion, anger, sex, etc.


Dress // white sandals // rattan earrings // rattan clutch (similar)

Wearing pink dresses makes me feel feminine, perky, and romantic. When I saw this dress (on sale!) from J.Crew I felt drawn to the puffy sleeves and tie waist detailing. It comes in many different colors and patterns, including blue, but I knew the pink dress was the right fit for me. I have gathered a few more pink dresses to shop this summer when you are feeling feminine and romantic.