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“Love yourself, and everything else will fall back into place.”

-Mark Anthony

Happy Friday and happy Labor Day Weekend! September really took me by surprised. All of a sudden it showed up and I wasn’t prepared. And with the changing of the month came colder temperatures, which I welcome. However, I am not ready to say goodbye to summer and my dresses just yet. I will be spending this weekend wearing every white dress I own.

This week is one of my favorites here in New York because it’s the US Open. I love attending the Open at least once each year. I attended opening day this past Monday and watched Sloan Stephens beat Madison Keys. Then watched my favorite, Andy Murray. Who should have won in my opinion. Yes, I was there for the infamous bathroom break. The downfall from watching live is that I wasn’t aware of why Tsitsipas took so long. I thought it was medical; which confused me when people started booing him upon his returned. It wasn’t until I left the US Open and went on Twitter did I realize it was a long bathroom break. I am with Andy on this one, it was ridiculously long and unfair. Tsitsipas played a great game and was strong throughout the match, so the win isn’t undeserving. I am so grateful I got to see Murray play! As mentioned he is one of my favorite players. I love his energy– even when he is yelling and cussing. I don’t mind it as it shows passion in my opinion. Andy also got the crowd going a few times which was fun!

Heading into the US Open was a nightmare. I’ve never experienced anything like it. Upon stepping off the train it was chaos and anarchy. There was a massive crowd facing the subway station and a massive crowd walking towards the entrance. There was no line, no direction. Thousands of people crammed together. Once I could finally see the entrance (the metal detecters) did they start separating people into the bags / no bags lines. Then out of no where a worker closed off the entrance and told us to start walking towards another path. I thought it was perhaps another set of metal detectors that they just opened up right by the entrance. No, they wanted us to head to the south gate to wait. The south gate already had a massive line, which we all refused to go to the back end of. At this point there were people running both towards the south gate and the main gate where I originally was. I even turned around after hearing the south gate line was just as long. The worker wouldn’t let us back in line and told us we would have to go to the back of the line of the main gate. So I ran back to the south gate and luckily they were letting us in from there. The entire fiasco took me an hour and a half. It was a nightmare and complete incompetence on the US Open. Hopefully they have figured out a more seamless arrival since then. Once I finally got in and found my seat, I ordered myself a Honey Deuce and enjoyed 8 hours of tennis.

I am very lucky that I went to the US Open on Monday instead of Tuesday when Hurricane Ida decided to grace us with her presence. I would have been caught in it. Hopefully you were all safe and nothing was damage. I kept my window open to let the air breeze in and I thought my curtains were going to fly off the wall. Luckily they did not, but did get puddle on my windowsill. The subway station nearest to me was flooded. Just awful to hear about the damage the hurricane did to New York and Jersey, and for the lives that were lost because of it.

What I am watching: I haven’t started any new shows. I’ve just been watching the US Open and my usual reality tv shows; Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and New York, Bachelor in Paradise. Football is back. I watched Ohio State play Minnesota last night and it was a nail biter.

What I bought: Inslee has released her 2022 desk calendars. I pre-ordered mine the second the calendars were available. I have been buying Inslee’s calendars for years now and love how they add a little extra detailing to my office. The floral illustrations gives me something beautiful to look at while I type away. Next item that I bought was this dry brush. I finally caved and bought one after thinking about it for so long. Perfect timing as we head into the colder seasons; this way I can exfoliate my body. Here are the benefits for using a dry brush. The reason why I picked this particular brush was because it is vegan; it has biodegradable sisal fibers from the agave plant. The second reason is the handle being curved, making it easier to reach certain areas of the body. And the third reason is that if it’s good enough for Gwyneth Paltrow, then it is good enough for me.

This weekend I am heading to Connecticut for a short trip. Will be exploring Greenwich and day-dreaming about living in one of the beautiful mansions and how I would personally decorate the inside. Other than my CT trip, I will be spending the weekend enjoying the end of summer here in the city.

Have a wonderful weekend xo


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