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cailini coastal

Lately I have been wanting some sort of a change in my life. Maybe it’s a result of being in a pandemic for over 2 years, I want to move forward instead of being stuck. Out with the old and in with the new. I have openly talked about wanting to move to a new apartment within the next year or so, and believe this is the change I currently seek. Well actually I am manifesting much more than an apartment upgrade, but you get the picture. Since the timing of a new apartment is still yet to be known, a home refresh is exactly what I need to attain the feeling of change I so desire.

There has been a few home decor changes to my apartment that does satisfy my want for something different. Some sort of refresh, new beginning. To do so I looked to Cailini Coastal for such additional decor. Cailini Coastal aesthetics is classic beach-style with light hues and natural textures. But no matter your home decor design preferences, there is something you can find at Cailini Coastal; from vases to decorative objects to pillows and more.

cailini coastalcailini coastalcailini coastalcailini coastal

Island Scalloped Tray c/o, Mark D. Sikes Beautiful Coffee Table Book c/o, Marble Scallop Dish c/o,

Wainscott Temple Jar c/o, Wicker Hurricane c/o

One of the biggest home decor items that I have been coveting is an island tray to put on my coffee table. For a while I felt that my coffee table looked completely bare and lackluster. I am so happy with this island scalloped tray and how it completes the look of the sitting area. To add more aesthetics to the island tray I added this coffee table book from Mark D. Sikes and this scalloped dish.

Another area of my studio apartment that I upgraded was my makeshift office. I added a new wicker hurricane to tie-in and compliment my island tray. Along with a temple jar to add design to the area. Originally I wanted to put the temple jar in my kitchen, but I loved it so much I wanted it in a place where I would see it regularly throughout the day. Adding new decor objects to my studio apartment has really given me the refresh I needed. I can’t wait until the day I move into my new apartment so I may add more changes to my home decor. Here are some great items to shop from Cailini Coastal.