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straw handbags


Is there anything more quintessential than a straw bag for spring and summer? The classic style, mostly clutches, gained popularity in the 50s as a status symbol for those who were wealthy enough to travel. In the 60s and 70s, Jane Birkin was constantly photographed with a wicker basket bag carrying around her essentials. Making the once status symbol into the everyday effortlessly cool item. As years went on the classic straw and wicker bags became a ready-to-wear item in every clothing and handbag store, as we know it to be today. It still holds the effortlessly chic style of Jane, while also being a symbol for vacation. It’s the summer and spring item every woman must own; from clutches to crossbody to shoulder bags. 

I remember growing up my grandmother had a wicker handbag she would carry around in the spring and summer season. It would make a little noise when moved, creating a story she would tell us how little birdies lived inside the bag. At the time I believed her. But besides the mysterious little birdies, I adored her box shaped wicker bag. Now as an adult I have a few straw and wicker bags on my own, though none of them have little birdies living inside it. Although I have a few that I religiously use during the spring and summer season, I am always looking to add more to my collection. Here are a few straw and wicker handbags I am loving this season.