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Spring has come and go, leaving a list of books I have read to share with all of you. The theme of this past season seemed to be about the relationship we have with ourselves. That it’s important to be who you are and you will attract those that appreciate you. Here is part one of what books I read this past spring.

In A New York Minute

Franny is having one of the worst days of her life. She was laid off from her job and to make matters worse, the subway doors ripped her silk dress. A generous and handsome man, Hayes Montgomery III, comes to her rescue to save her from more humiliation. Only the chivalrous moment goes viral on social media causing everyone to name them the #subwayQT. Luckily Franny and Hayes never have to see each other again….or so they think. In A New York Minute is about destiny. How things happen for a reason, and anything can happen in the big city.


I really enjoyed reading this meet-cute story of how opposites attract. It’s the perfect beach read for the summer if you are looking for a RomCom book. It will make you believe in destiny and that anything wonderful can happen at any moment. Anyone living in New York knows that the city will kick you while you are down. Franny’s “bad day” is a realistic nightmare come true; having your skirt ripped by the subway doors.  Anyway, it’s a cute story and I enjoyed following along as Hayes and Franny are continuously thrown into each other lives.  I give it a 4/5 stars


Book Lovers

As a literary agent Nora Stephen’s whole life is about books. She enjoys reading about other people’s lives and adventures while keeping herself guarded. Nora knows she isn’t the heroine of any story, Especially a romantic one where she gets the guy. Nora is the one the guy dumps because she is too city, too successful, too uptight. When Nora’s little sister Libby convinces her to take a trip to a small town in North Carolina called Sunshine Falls– the exact town in Nora’s latest clients romance novel– she reluctantly agrees. What Nora didn’t agree to? Running into her nemesis Charlie Lastra, an editor in the city. As they continue to be thrown together in this small town and in the professional world, Nora and Charlie find a way to make it work. Book Lovers is about the unlikely person finding themselves, finding love, and learning to let go of things they can’t control.



I thoroughly enjoyed this book and devoured it. I enjoyed reading about two people who feel they are unloveable finding their way in life. I also love the reverse Hallmark-style story. It’s about not having to change who we are for others and still letting our guard down to let people in. Emily Henry has become one of my favorite authors- I love how her stories suck you in and are lighthearted but also has a life lesson within the story. I give this a 5/5 stars.


Conversations With Friends

Frances is an insecure, quiet college girl whose best friend Bobbi is always the center of attention. One night at their poetry reading they meet a slightly older famous photographer and her handsome actor husband. A friendship develops between the four of them with nights out, dinner parties, and vacations. When a flirtation between Nick and Frances grows into a more intimate relationship, they must learn what they mean to each other and to others in this new dynamic. Conversations With Friends is about the relationships we have with each other and ourselves.


I have been hearing about Conversations With Friends for a few years now. So when I heard it was turning into a mini series I finally decided to read the book. Unfortunately I completely disliked this book. It’s hard for me to get into a story when I can’t stand any of the characters. I especially could not stand Bobbi. I hated how she had such a hold over Frances and knew it. I thought she was mean and judgmental. Frances I just wanted to scream “communicate” at her. Her relationship with Nick I couldn’t see the emotional attraction that they had because there was a lack of communication in their conversations. Even after reading the book I decided to watch the mini series thinking it would be better on screen, but did not enjoy it. The only thing I do like is the setting and the beautiful house they stay at in Croatia. I also liked how they dealt with endometriosis and how it can really impair your day. I give this a 2/5.