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We have finally reached the last day of book club week! I hope you have enjoyed my reviews and found a book or two to add to your reading list. The last 3 books were some of my favorites of the summer. It plays with destiny vs. freewill. Are we fated for people and places or is everything a result of our choices? I personally believe in fate. That things and people are meant to be. I also believe in second chances. That timing is everything and what wasn’t right at one point can come back around if it’s meant to be. Here are the last 3 books I read this past summer.

*As always- some of the reviews have spoilers in them, so if you have not read it skip over them.

Every Summer After

It’s been a decade since Percy Fraser made the biggest mistake of her life. She can no longer spend her summers at Barry’s Bay as she did growing up. Until one day she receives a call that will lead her back to the place she loved so much, and to the boy she thought she could never live without. The boy who Percy was once inseparable from. But can their bond, their connection stand the test of time.  Every Summer After is about second chances, the consequences of our choices and actions, and how communication is key. I give this a 5/5 stars.



Every Summer After was one of my favorite books that I have read this past year. I couldn’t put the book down! It tugged at my heart; it made me cry, it made me hopeful. I could feel both Sam and Percy’s pain, and the love that they had for each other. You could feel their connection on a deep level. The book is a reminder that timing is everything, and that what is meant to be will always find its way to you. It’s also a reminder that communication is needed in relationships. If Percy and Sam had just communicated, maybe things wouldn’t have turned out the way they did. I couldn’t believe what Percy did… I honestly did not see that coming. I thought it was going to be Sam who ruins the relationship, and in a way he is just as much to blame. Overall I loved this book and wish I could reread it for the first time.


November 9

It’s Fallon’s last day in LA before her big move to New York when she meets inspiring writer Ben. Their instant attraction leads them to spend her entire last day together. A day that inspires Ben to write his novel. They agree to meet each other on November 9th for the next few years. Until one day when Fallon discovers some ugly truths. She is now unsure if Ben is telling the truth or fabricating a story. November 9 is about fate, honesty, healing. I give this 5/5



November 9 is another one of my favorites of this past year. Colleen Hoover has blown up as an author for a reason. The way she writes, she just captivates you. I couldn’t put this book down, I needed to know what was going to happen next. The book perfectly unfolds as little crumbs of truths are sprinkled throughout the book. I enjoyed Fallon and Ben’s unique relationship. I was always rooting for them and hoping for it to work out. It’s crazy to think that their relationship could be so strong when they only talk once a year. But that is what makes for a great romance novel- the unimaginable. What I loved most about it is Fallon and Ben helping each other heal from grief and past wounds. Overall I loved this book!


Meant To Be Mine

Edie Meyer knows the exact date in which she will meet the love of her life. In fact, everyone in Edie’s family knows of their own significant dates. All thanks to Edie’s Grandmother Gloria who has the ability to predict the future through the visions she receives. And Gloria has never been wrong in her predictions. Now Edie’s date is here and she is on the lookout for any man who may spark her interest. When she meets a handsome musician, Edie knows he is the one. But this fated relationship comes with complications. Edie must figure out if she should follow fate or make a path for her self. Meant To Be Mine plays with destiny and freewill. It’s about the relationship we have with our family, with others, and with ourselves. To staying true to yourself. I give this a 4/5 stars



Meant To Be Mine was enjoyable to read. I was so curious as to how it would end. I knew from the start that Edie and Theo were not a match. They were too different in values and interest. It’s a great lesson on not losing yourself for someone else and to respect yourself enough to walk away. Edie was willing to give up almost everything for Theo, but Theo wasn’t going to do the same for her.  And before it became apparent, I was hoping she would end up with Bennett. They seemed like a better match and a better fit. I love how this story plays with fate vs. choice. But I also think that Theo and Edie were not fated, her and Bennett were. I think Grandma Gloria just got the date wrong. If Edie hadn’t left Theo she would have been miserable. She was forcing a connection that wasn’t there. She made the right decision. I also thought about whether I would want know the exact date of when I would meet the love of my life. As a kid and even in my 20s? No I wouldn’t. As a single 37 year old? yeah it would put a lot of ease on me. But ultimately I think there is something truly magical about finding your person. Knowing it is that day would put too much pressure on it. The reason why it is magical is because it’s unexpected. Overall I enjoyed the book and loved following along on this fated journey.

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 Part 1 of What Books I Read This Past Summer

Part 2 of What Books I Read This Past Summer