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“appreciating what does come to you, always brings more”

-Abraham Hicks

Happy Friday! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. For the second time since moving to NYC I stayed here in town. Since I am going to be in Ohio and Tennessee for most of December, I decided to stay here. I really missed my family, but I got to check off an item from my bucket list.

Yesterday I got up bright and early to head uptown for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I got off the subway at Columbus Circle and walked up until I found a spot to settle. I ended up on w67th street. Really the crowd wasn’t bad at all; the closer you get to the start of the parade route and the less people there are. Although I wish I was able to see the Broadway shows perform on Harold Square, I knew the crowd would be outrageous. I luckily was able to see the parade pretty well, only had to stand on my tippy-toes a few times ha.

The balloons really are massive.You know that they are huge on TV, but seeing them in person is something else. The floats are also bigger than I thought, and so well done. I was in awe of how creative and intricate they were. One thing that surprised me the most is how quiet the parade is. I was shocked! Some of the floats do not play music and the ones that did, the music wasn’t too loud. It was a reprieve when the marching bands came along to liven up the crowd. At least for me it was. Another thing I missed by watching the parade on TV was knowing who the celebrity/performers were. Sometimes a float would go by where the celebrity is on the other side waving to the crowd and you barely missed who it was. And some floats I had no idea who the celebrity was until someone in the crowd yelled out. Maybe this ages me, idk. But it was exciting once you knew who’s who. Besides Jimmy Fallon, Sean Paul was probably the one celebrity people were excited to see. Seeing the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was a wonderful experience. I would definitely go back again, but not something I would do every year. I am grateful I got to experience and partake in something as historical as the Macy’s Parade. The rest of my Thanksgiving I was a couch potato watching Harry Potter and Hallmark movies. Wished I could have been with my family, but I am glad I had this experience. Bucket list check!

The parade wasn’t the only exciting thing I did this past week. Monday evening I went uptown to The Carlyle for a private shopping event with Buru. Buru is an LA based clothing and accessories brand that provides beautiful and elevated pieces. I would describe them as fun, fashionable, intricate, and feminine. I especially adore their car coats like this one— feels very 1960s. But beside the stunningly beautiful clothes, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting people and catching up with friends. It was a lovely evening filled with champagne, mingling, and beautiful clothing.

Last weekend I went to the Museum of Broadway located in Times Square. I highly recommend going! The museum is a timeline of Broadway from the 1800s- present day. As a big Broadway fan myself, there was still so much I didn’t know, and a bunch of shows I have never heard of before. I learned that The Tony Award is named after actress, producer, and director Antoinette Perry– nicknamed Tony. She had recently passed before the first ceremony in 1947, so they named the award after her. I loved looking at the costumes; like Carol Channing’s red dress from Hello Dolly. Shoes and accessories worn by past performers like Ann Reinking’s shoes from Chicago. Props from shows like West Side Story, Oklahoma, Cabaret, etc. One thing that I thoroughly enjoyed and glad they put in as part of the museum was the backstage stuff; switchboards, lighting, dressing rooms, set designs models, etc. As a dancer myself I am familiar with the backstage– have even worked backstage before. I loved that they added it in there for those who are not in theater and may not know what goes on behind the scenes. It’s also note-worthy to say that dancers do not have room to warm up. They warm up in the stairwell– the cast of CATS warmed up on the roof of The Winter Garden Theatre. I thoroughly enjoyed the museum and could have been there all day!

What I am watching: It’s been a James Marsden week! Starting with Disenchanted. I watched the sequel and loved it. I thought it was a cute movie and enjoyed all of the Disney, fairytale tropes they had. Next I watched season 3 of Dead To Me. I believe I have 2 episodes yet. I loved this season, I was laughing so hard when they took drugs.

What I bought: I can’t stop shopping J.Crew’s new arrivals. It is so good this season! I bought this jeweled button cardigan for the holidays– currently 50% off! I think it would be cute to wear with a slip skirt for Christmas Eve or day.

On The Blog: 

Sunday Shopping

Holiday Dresses

Black Friday Sales

This weekend my only plans are to cheer on The Ohio State Buckeyes when they play TTUN. As well as go to DanceBody, read my book, workout, and hopefully finish my needlepoint project. And if the weather is nice I will frolic around town.

Have a wonderful weekend xo


1. 12 best Christmas movies of 2022

2. Wanting to wear this on NYE

3. The perfect holiday skirt

4. How pretty are these bow sling backs?

5. New holiday romcom books 

6. 30 ways to romanticize your life

7. Enjoyed this interview with the co-founders of Margaux

8. 17 stress relieving activities to try

9. Why you don’t need a Thanksgiving detox

10. Martha Stewart’s best holiday organizing tips


Sales Happening This Weekend

Black Friday Sales