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Hello 2023! I do not want to jinx anything, but I am feeling optimistic about the year. In fact, I hope we all have a wonderful 2023! I think after the last few years we deserve a reprieve. Not that 2022 was awful, in my opinion. In fact I liked 2022. Looking back throughout the past year I can say it was a decently good year. Sure there were lots of ups and downs, but that is life. I just know when I look back over 2022 I feel happy with the experiences that I had and the growth I had personally and professionally. Sure there are a lot of things I wish had happened, but it doesn’t mean they won’t happen this year. When the timing is right things will happen for me. Until then I am happy being me, my life, and what I have done thus far.

I do make a few resolutions each year but mostly I like to set intentions, themes for the overall year. I shared via IG stories a few of my resolutions which were to take tap classes again, stitch an entire pillow for myself (needlepoint goals), travel more, post more in the moment content, stop hitting the snooze button (already failed this one ha!), and to declutter my apartment. However, I think my favorite resolution I made for this coming year is to only focus on what and who bring me joy and happiness.

Now I want to share my themes for the year. My intentions. Last year my themes were: letting go (of control), receive, love, experience, and up level. I think in some form or another I have accomplished these intentions. I am still working on letting go of trying to control how things will work out and just trust that they will. I had a lot of love in my life from family, friends, and myself. I had some great experiences both professionally and personally. And I up leveled my life. I got to partner with some dream brands, increased my income, and most importantly I started to think of my own self-worth and know what I am deserving of. I think these themes, words of the year, will continue into 2023 as I add on a few more.


Growth: I want to continue the momentum of growth that I have been seeing within myself and with my career. I am someone who believes in bettering yourself day by day. I ask myself “what can I do today that will create a better version of me from yesterday?” It can be as large or small of a change. Sometimes it’s simply smiling at a stranger or it’s post X amount of times on my LTK app. I am also big on meditation and self care. I discovered some insecurities that I was fostering and am working on releasing them. I want to continue this self improvement. I also want to grow my business and expand in some capacity. I have my focus set on a few brands that I want to partner with (one in which has already happened this year!!). I want to grow my following on both Instagram and TikTok– more importantly grow my relationship with my following. And I want to grow within my content creation, my creativity. Mostly, I want grow into the person I want to become; confident in who I am and where I am going. To care less about what others think and just be me. I am ready for my life to move forward.

Believe: To add onto last year’s theme of letting go; I want to fully believe and trust myself in where I am heading. To believe in myself fully and unconditionally that I CAN do whatever I put my mind to. To trust and believe that God is guiding me to where He wants me to go. That I am on the right path and heading towards what is meant for me. To believe that things are working out for me, coming together, and always will. To continue to step into my power in knowing my worth. Believe that this is my time for my blessings to come true and fully trust in God and His plans for me.

Love/Connection: I always put love on my new year’s intentions as I find it the most important of all. I want to fully and completely love each and every moment of my life and the people in it. Even the mundane, tedious moments. Even when those I love hurt my feelings. I want to remind myself daily through the good times and especially through the hard times that there is a lot of love in my life; Love from myself, from God, and from family and friends. And one day a love through marriage and my children. I want to work on my current connections and create new ones. I love meeting new people, so I want to do more of that this year. I want to create stronger bonds with my current friends and those that will become my friend. I want even more love in my life this year. I want my cup to over flow with love.