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One of my favorite holidays is right around the corner! To me, Easter represents the real beginning of spring. There is a sense of renewal in the air. It’s the first time you can wear your florals and pastels. Nature is blooming all around you. And of course the candy is superb with mini chocolate eggs.

For Easter this year I will be staying here in NYC. My morning will be spent attending church service, followed by an afternoon of either going for a run, reading my book in the park, or meeting up with friends. Last year I met up with friends in Central Park for a picnic. It was a wonderful day of laughter, food, and good company. We may do it again this year. If not, I will cook myself an Easter dinner and enjoy the merriment of the holiday. Even though my day may not be filled with celebrations with friends and family, I will use Easter as an excuse to buy myself a new dress. Because why not! If you are still looking for something to wear on Easter, I have gathered 20 dresses to shop.