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I must admit I almost forgot to share part 2 of what books I read this past winter. I got so caught up in spring new arrivals and the Eras Tour series, part 2 slipped my mind. Luckily I remembered just in time before the end of this season, ha! The last 3 books are ones to read. Tales of history to the reminder of fate, these are books page turners. 


prince harry


What can I say about Spare that hasn’t already been said? It’s been picked apart and analyzed word by word. It’s been criticized and praised. Talking about it feels repetitive and redundant. As the saying goes- it’s like beating a dead horse. I listened to Spare on audiobooks, as my prefer method for autobiographies. Especially with such a high caliber of a narrator such as Prince Harry. I listened to the book when it was first released. I went into it with an open mind and a thirst for Royal knowledge. I found the earlier years of Prince Harry’s life to be the most enjoyable. I loved hearing personal tales of Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth, and life as a Monarch. Although there were many personal accounts that should have been left out… we all know which parts (ahem) I am talking about. I found his schooling, his time in Africa, and even parts of his military service to be of interest. Although I did find his recount of deployment a little tedious at times and a bit too long. I even liked learning about how the Royal family cooperates with the UK Press. Clearly, and deservingly, the vein of Prince Harry’s existence. But as a commoner and an American, it was interesting and heartbreaking to learn about. Once Meghan enters the picture, there are two takeaways I have. The first being that they really are in love. There is no doubt in my mind they love each other. No one is trapping anyone in this relationship. The second is that Prince Harry doesn’t take accountability for his own actions. In fact that is the underlining of the entire book. It’s blame others, not myself. If you haven’t read Spare I would still suggest it. It will play a major role in history, and it’s nice to hear from the horse’s mouth instead of second accounts. 4/5 stars




The Mitford Affair

Between the two World Wars there were 6 Aristocratic sisters who graced London society. Part of the Bright Young Things, these sisters were always the talk of the town. Based off the true story, The Mitford Affair follows the infamous Mitford sisters as they embark on political and social scandal. Mixed up in fascism and the rise of Hitler, the eldest sisters are dangerously close to the changing political climate. While the most famous Mitford, Nancy- author of The Pursuit of Love-  becomes suspicious of her sister’s entanglements. Nancy must choose between her country or her family. If you are a fan of historical fiction then I highly suggest this book. 5/5 stars



I really enjoyed this book! It follows mostly Diana, Unity, and Nancy’s recounts of events that lead up to WWII. I do say it can be very difficult to read as Diana and Unity have such a fondness for Hitler. Knowing what we know now, it’s hard to swallow how anyone could be a follower and give him high praise. However, you have to remind yourself that this was pre-WWII. We have the hind-sight of history and knowledge, they do not. But still, there is enough alarming occurrences that should have been enough for them to understand how horrendous it was and was about to become. But as someone, like myself, who enjoys learning about history this book was filled with historical facts. Very enjoyable in that remark. There is much about the leading up to WWII that I didn’t know. I also enjoyed learning about London society and how these sister’s impacted the times. Especially Nancy whose books have stood the test of time. Using satire, she recounts tales of society, her family, and the rise and danger of fascism hidden in her fictional characters. Although this is a fictional tale of accurate events, I found it gripping and educational.



Love and Other Words

Macy is content with life, as long as she can keep her heart tucked away. She has a secure job, a few friends, and a fiancé who is easy to coexist with. That is until she runs into Elliott; her first and only true love. Now her carefully constructed bubble has burst. Once her best friend, Elliott has become a complete stranger to her. Someone she never thought she would see again. Decade long truths are now unraveling, and accounts of the past that Macy has tucked away are coming to light. And her heart is opening up again. Love and Other Words is told between alternating timelines of the past and present. It’s a tale of second chances, vulnerability, fate, and the risk of falling in love. 5/5 stars


I couldn’t put this book down! I enjoyed both the past and present storylines, flipping the page to know what happens next. As someone who believes in fate, this feed into my faith. The faith and confidence that things happen for a reason, and what is meant to be will always find its way. Macy and Elliott’s closeness as teenagers makes you wish for such a friendship. The way Elliott is interested in Macy’s mind, her thoughts, as well as his protectiveness of her is swoon-worthy. I love that they can sit in the closet for hours in silence and just read– and my favorite part is their word of the day. But besides their relationship, Macy has gone through a lot. She deals with grief by pushing people away, numbing herself of ever opening up. It was nice to see her process her life now that Elliott is back. I highly suggest this book– also makes for a great beach read!


*Read part 1 of what books I read this past winter here