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I am back with part 2 of what books I read this past spring season. This week’s books all have 1 thing in common; staying true to yourself. So many secrets, so much yearning for things and people you want. Even if it’s socially wrong, even if the path seems difficult, go for what you want in life. Enjoy part 2.

*Reviews have some spoilers


Funny Story

Daphne loves her meet-cute story with her fiancé Peter. That is right up until they moved to his hometown in Michigan, only for him to realize he is in love with his childhood best friend Petra. Now Daphne has a new story; in a town where she doesn’t have friends or family and living with Petra’s ex Miles. Daphne and Miles have nothing in common except for a shared heartbreak. What started out as two heartbroken strangers, a friendship was form. As well as a misleading plan. But is it really all for show or is there something deeper to it all?

5/5 stars


I absolutely loved this book! Emily Henry has a way of getting you sucked into the characters right away. With Daphne and Miles, their heartbreak and unlikely friendship was one that made you turn the page. What I loved most about Funny Story is that it’s more than how to get over a breakup, it’s about not letting your insecurities stop you from living your best life. That we need to be open to possibilities, believe in ourselves, and let others in.


The Phoenix Bride

One year after the plague devastatingly hit England Cecilia, now a widow, finds herself in the care of her sister. Living isolated and trapped at the townhouse, Cecilia is a ghost of herself. None of the doctors she has seen can cure her grief. As a last resort her sister hires a Jewish doctor. Having gone through a similar grievance, David knows there is no easy cure for melancholy. Despite his attempts, an unlikely- and forbidden- friendship forms amongst the two. Torn between duty, love, and the prejudice they will both face, can Cecilia and David endure another heartbreak.

4/5 stars


I enjoyed this more being historical fiction than a romance novel. I learned a lot about London in the 1660s; the fire, King Charles II, how they dress, medicine advancements, religious views and discrimination, etc. The love story between David and Cecilia was nice to follow along- especially all their trials and tribulations. However, I wanted a little bit more of a connection between them in the beginning. It felt sudden- to me at least. Also **spoilers** I did not understand why David nor Jan’s sexuality wasn’t talked about to Cecilia. Did she know? I think that would be a huge part of her progression and open-mindedness***. Overall I enjoyed the book and thought it was interesting; all the different factors of life back then.


American Royals IV: Reign 

*If you didn’t read books 1-3 skip this

The 4th and final book of the American Royals. The Washington family is in shambles; Queen Beatrice is still in a coma, Princess Samantha is no where to be found, and Prince Jefferson is trying to hold the country together while planning a wedding– and still secretly in love with his childhood best friend Nina. The stakes are higher than ever. Some people believe the rightful head of the monarch should be a King, others will go to great lengths to keep secrets or threaten to reveal them. Can the Washington siblings band together one last time to save the country and their family’s rightful heir to the throne. Reign is about the love of family, friendship, self, and country.

5/5 stars


I thoroughly enjoyed Reign — the entire series actually! It was filled with the perfect amount of drama and secrets, as well as relationships and love. There are so many nuances to this series; from enemies to friendships, rebellion to Royal duties, from love to deceit, and more. Showing that staying true to yourself and fighting for what you believe  is important. The ending, I thought, was perfectly written. Giving each character an ending that felt right. How it should be. While I would love to continue on with the Washingtons, I am happy with where things left off.



This Summer Will Be Different

Lucy is visiting Prince Edward Island for the first time. While she waits for her best friend Bridget to arrive, she meets a charming local named Felix. Their chemistry is unlike no other. The only problem: Felix is Bridget’s brother. They vow to stay away from each other, and to never repeat that magical night again. But will it be as easy as it seems. Each time Lucy visit PEI, she feels the pull towards Felix she had the first night they met. When Bridget calls frantically a week before her wedding, Lucy drops everything to head to the island. While trying to figure out what is going on with Bridget, Lucy isn’t sure if she is strong enough anymore to stay away from Felix. This Summer Will Be Different is not only a love story, but about not holding back on going after what you want.



Oh this is a good one! I loved the slow burn, build up between Lucy and Felix. There are so many secrets revealed, so many miscommunications. I felt the pain of Lucy; not wanting to lose a friendship, being scared of getting hurt. We all feel insecure going into relationships. I think this book sorta teaches you to just go for what you want in life– even if you fail. We miss out on so much because we hold ourselves back. Anyway, I did find Bridget to be a little annoying with her secret. I thought she owed it to Lucy to tell her sooner than later– especially since Lucy dropped everything to be there for her, missing out on a big deal and during a busy time period for her floral shop. Felix is swoon-worthy and the perfect summer book romance lead. Overall it is one of my favorite books of the summer.