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2025 new year resolution

At the beginning of 2024 I, like many of us do, claimed it was going to be my year. The year that everything finally clicks and workouts. While I did have many successes, it wasn’t as triumphant as I wanted it to be. There was still a lot of hard lessons to learn and personal growth to be made. While I wouldn’t categorize 2024 as a terrible year, I would say it had the lowest of lows but also the highest of highs.

The end of summer and into the fall was the most turbulent, both personally and professionally. I lost my beloved grandmother, my favorite person on the earth. I was professionally challenged in more ways than one. I had to finally move on from some people and things. I tried to start a photography company and found it a little bit more difficult than originally thought to get people to work with an amateur photographer. And that is ok! I rather fail at something that I tried to do than not try at all. I am still going to pursue my photography career, I just need to network more and work on my skills. It may workout, it may not. at least I tried.

While the year had its tribulations I still look back on it with gratification. I got to travel a little on my own accord and with brands. I made a lot of new, wonderful friends. I went out more, socialized, and tried a bunch of new restaurants. I spent a lot of time with my family. I achieved a lot of my goals professionally and personally. And I got to see Taylor Swift in concert!! Overall I would say that 2024 was a rollercoaster, but it is part of the journey that will take me to where I am meant to be.

Stepping into a new year I try not to make grand resolutions. Just little ones that I know will propel me forward. I actually prefer to make intentions, words that will shepherd the year. For 2024 my words were: confidence, love/connection, and prosperity/abundance. I believe I attained them all in one way or another. While it may not be to the full extent, I did have a year of connection, abundance, and a growth in confidence.

Now that it is 2025 I have a new set of intentions and resolutions to guide me this year.

My resolutions are simple, and while I will keep some of them private I want to share a few here:

-Grow my socials: Instagram 60K followers, LTK 10K followers, TikTok (if still around) 5K followers.

-Read 40 books

-Join a club/organization

-Meet more people and network more

-Show more of my personality and my life on IG stories and TikTok

-To not over think what content I post on socials: to post whatever I want (the good, the bad, the editorial, the in the moment) and not worry about the algorithm.

-Work on more paid collaborations with brands on my wishlist

-Grow my photography company, gain more clients

-Travel more

Now onto my intentions, my words of the 2025. The themes.

Magnetic: This may be my most vital intention of the year. When I had my tarot card reading done a few weeks ago at a Christmas party, one thing the tarot reader said is that I dime my light for others. This isn’t the first time I have been told this; from friends, family, and other psychic/tarot card readers. This year I want to, as Taylor Swift would say, bejeweled. I want to attract all that I have been working and striving towards. I want to attract the right people into my life. I want to be a magnet to all good things; beauty, art, love, success, harmony, and adventure. To step into the life that I want fully knowing I deserve a spot at the table. To confidence shine and not worry what others may think.

Self-Love: One thing I have learned over the course of the past few months is that I need to give myself a little more self-love. I am my own worst enemy and critic. Maybe it’s the Virgo in me, maybe it’s my insecurities, but I am the first to pick myself apart. While I feel I do have a good level of confidence, I want to give myself more grace, more love. I want to focus on myself this year; what I want, what I love, what and who I am. To have the courage and confidence to go after what I want and what I deserve. To full implement the let them theory. Don’t want to date me- let them go. Do not want to be my friend- let them go. Do not want to hire me-let them go. It’s their loss not mine. To love myself fully to know I deserve better. And of course I want to also give and show my love to my family and friends, that is a given.

Creativity: I want this entire year to be about creating beauty. To go all in on my creativity; from my content to my photography to side art projects and more. I want to surround myself with creative people, places, and things. I want to go to the museums more often. I want to paint, craft, needlepoint, wear beautiful outfits, listen to music, read books, and travel. I want to create the life I want. I want to post more creative content. To live my favorite quote: “I’m going to make everything around me beautiful- that will be my life” – Elsie de Wolfe

Joie de vivre: Ok that is more than one word, obviously, but it’s a statement I want to live by. For those of you who do not know, it’s a French phrase meaning  “joy of living”. It’s someone who lives life with happiness, harmony, and enjoyment. I want to enjoy the simple pleasures in life just as much as the big ones. To remind myself that moments of stillness is just as pleasurable as traveling the world. And when I do have moments of grandeur to marvel in it. Really be in the moment. To live each moment with joy.

So cheers to a new year! May 2025 be good to us all xo